E karanga ana mātou ki ngā tāngata e hiahia ana ki te whakaiti i te rahi o tō rātou kāinga, e rua anake ngā whare hou whakamīharo kei te 5 MacMurray Road Remuera e whai ararewa ana. E taunaki ana mātou kia tere tā koutou mahi kia riro mai i a koutou te whirihoranga e hāngai ana ki ō koutou hiahia.
He whenua koreherenga, he māmā ki te rama, ā, he mea whakapaipai e te ringa hoahoa, e whakarato ana ēnei whare hou ātaahua i tētahi huarahi utu whakataetae ki tētahi o ngā wāhi tino nui me te wātea o te rohe Grammar rua. He ahurei, he whakahihiko ia whare; kāore anō kia nohoia, ā, kei te pīrangi kia tūhuratia. Eke ki runga, ka mīharo ki te kīhini whakaaturanga i te papa waenganui me ōna taputapu kounga. Whakatāria i roto i tō rohe noho nui, māmā ki te rama, he mahere tuwhera me ngā papa ōki o te ōki me ngā tūāpapa teitei e whakarahi ana i te wāhi.
He whānui ake i te nuinga o ngā tuku rite, e whā ngā rūma moenga, he maha ngā wharepaku/whare horoi kua taera ki te tuanui, he urunga waka a-roto kotahi, rua rānei (tirohia ngā kōwhiringa), me te rokiroki nui. Whiriwhiria tō kōwhiringa mō te taha raki e anga atu ana ki te rori, me/te tirohanga pai ki Maunga Hobson (e tata ana) me Maunga Eden.
Kei te papa urunga tētahi rūma moenga me tētahi whare horoi i te taha o te kāreti/horoi kākahu. He wāhi tino pai tēnei mō ngā taiohi, mō ngā manuhiri rānei, māu rānei e noho puku, e ako, e mahi rānei i te kāinga.
Kāore e taea te whakataetae te wātea o tēnei wāhi pokapū. He mēneti noa iho mai i ngā pokapū hauora motuhake maha, i te kokonga mai i Sno Cafe, Westfield Shopping Centre/Restaurants, te teihana tereina o Newmarket (hīkoi 8 meneti), ngā ara whakawhiti motokā, ngā kura rangatira, me te maha noa atu.
Kua kite koe i ētahi atu, ināianei toro atu ki te pai (kaua e wareware ki te ararewa!). Kei te hoko tere, nō reira kaua e whakaroa.
2/5 MacMurray Road
• Te Rahinga Papa - 200sqm (tata, tae atu ki te pātītī)
• Te Kāreti - Kāreti Urunga Tārua a-Roto
3/5 MacMurray Road
• Te Rahinga Papa - 200sqm (tata, tae atu ki te pātītī)
• Te Kāreti - Kāreti Urunga Kotahi a-Roto
• Ararewa
• Kura o Remuera
• Kura Takawaenga o Remuera
• Kura Tuarua o ngā Kōtiro o Epsom (hīkoi 10 meneti)
• Kura Tuarua o Auckland (hīkoi 20 meneti)
Tikiake ngā mōhiohio rawa ki http://loveyourarea.co.nz
5 MacMurray Road, Remuera, Auckland City, Auckland REMUERA FRINGE - EXCITING NEW RELEASENote: Calling all downsizers, just two of the stunning new residences at 5 MacMurray Road Remuera include a lift. We recommend you act fast to secure the configuration that meets your needs.
Freehold and light-filled with that special designer touch, these attractive brand new residences provide a remarkably affordable entry point to one of the double Grammar zone's most prized and convenient locations.
Each residence is unique and interesting; never lived-in before, and beckoning to be discovered. Glide upstairs and marvel at the mid-level's showpiece kitchen with its quality inclusions. Relax comfortably in your generous light-filled and open plan living area with solid oak floors and space-enhancing tall ceilings.
Noticeably wider than most similar offerings, there are four bedrooms, multiple floor-to-ceiling tiled bathrooms/ensuites, internal access single and double garaging (see options), plus generous storage. Take your choice of sunny north-facing street frontage, and/or pleasant viewshafts to Mount Hobson (moments walk) and Mount Eden.
The entry level includes a bedroom with an ensuite beside the garage/laundry. This area is perfect for teenagers or visitors, or for you to hide away and study or work from home.
The convenience of this central location is unsurpassed. Literally metres from numerous specialist medical centres, around the corner from Sno Cafe, Westfield Shopping Centre/Restaurants, Newmarket Train Station (8min walk), Motorway on-ramps, top schools, and so much more.
You've seen the rest, now visit the best (don't forget the lift!). Selling down fast, so don't delay.
2/5 MacMurray Road
• Floor Area - 200sqm (approx, inc balcony)
• Garaging - Double Internal Access Garage
3/5 MacMurray Road
• Floor Area - 200sqm (approx, inc balcony)
• Garaging - Single Internal Access Garage
• Lift
• Remuera School
• Remuera Intermediate School
• Epsom Girls' Grammar School (10min walk)
• Auckland Grammar School (20 min walk)
Download property info at http://loveyourarea.co.nz