Ia ata katoa, mā te hīkoi poto noa, i waho i te kuwaha, i raro i ngā rākau, ngā tamariki e peke ana i mua, kei te tatari te ataahua o Red Beach. E kuhu ki ngā ngaru māeneene, tiki kawhe i te Karapu Tatari, manawa hou i te hau māori tote, ka hoki anō ki te kāinga ki te whakatā. Kei konei ngā āhuatanga katoa o tētahi hararei nui - me ngā whakamarie katoa o te kāinga.
He wheako tēnei mā te whānau i te 60A Walton Street kua noho rangatira ai, ia rā, mō ngā tau e toru kua pahure. Ngā rangatira whakahihi, o tētahi kāinga tino mīharo, kei tētahi wāhi tino hira.
I te taenga atu ki te rawa, ka pōwhiritia koe e te huhua o ngā tae. He māra ātaahua, hauora, manaaki - i tohungia, i atawhaitia. He tautuhinga taiopenga nui e whakarite ana i te atamira mō te noho papai.
He tino kikī te wāhi whakangahau o waho. Mai i te wāhi whakangahau i raro i te taumarumarunga ki te puna kaukau motuhake kei te tihi, kua whakakīngia ki ngā mīhini e toru.
Pārekareka ki tō kawhe o te ata i te rā, ā, te tina ā-whānau i te taumarumarunga i muri i tētahi rā o te kaukau, te hī ika me te whakatā.
Kua kī te papa o raro i te marama tūturu. He nui ngā tatau reti kanapa e rere tika ana ki ngā wāhi whakangahau e rua motuhake.
He ataahua, he mahi, he whai hua hoki te kīhini kaihoahoa, kī tonu i te tūmanako. He wāhi i tohaina ai ngā rōpū whānau, ngā huihuinga motuhake me ngā maharatanga aroha e ngā rangatira o nāianei.
He nui ngā rūma moenga katoa, kua kī i te rā, ā, kua tū hei whakapiki i te noho muna me te pupuri i te wairua o te whānau. He tino pai te rūma moenga o raro, kei reira tōna ake wharepaku, hei rūma moenga anō, tari kāinga, hei rūma rānei mō te whānau whānui me ngā manuhiri e noho ana.
I hangaia te rawa e rima tau ki muri e GJ Gardner Homes - i tirotirohia e tā rātou kaiwhakahaere kaupapa matua, ā, i whakapai ake mō tā rātou noho ake. E whakamanamana ana i te whakamahana papa o te wharepaku, he pae kīhini pātītī, he pūnaha DVS, he papu wera ā-awa, he pokapū whatunga waea, he karati roa i whārikihia, he pūnaha whakamahana o waho infrared, he nui ngā wāhi rokiroki, ngā utuutu kati-aunoa me ngā papa rākau papai, whai rawa. Kei reira hoki tētahi rūnanga ngaro tino mīharo - he mea ngaro rawa atu - kāore au e taea te kī atu kei hea!
He mārama noa iho he aha tēnei wāhanga o Red Beach tetahi o ngā wāhi tino pupuri, tino rapuhia hoki i te Hibiscus Coast. Me te huhua o ngā takutai, ngā hīkoi, ngā kōti tēnehi, ngā papa tākaro, ngā kura rangatira, ngā pāka, ngā wharekai, ngā toa me ngā mahi hapori katoa e tata ana. He āhua noho e koa ai te nuinga i ō rātou hararei pai rawa atu.
He kāinga tēnei kāore e kitea i ia rā. He kōrero mō ngā māra, he kōrero mō te takutai, he kōrero mō te noho tino pai. He nui te āhua me te tuku iho, ko wai ka waimarie ki te hoko i tēnei rawa, ka koa ki te noho mō ngā tau maha kei te heke mai.
60A Walton Street, Red Beach, Rodney, Auckland A Life Of Luxury By The SeaEvery morning, with just a quick walk, out the gate, under the trees, kids skipping just ahead, the glorious Red Beach awaits. Slip into the gentle waves, grab a coffee at the Surf Club, breathe that fresh salty air & head back home to relax. All the elements of a great holiday - with all the comforts of home.
It's an experience the family at 60A Walton Street have had the luxury of living, every day for the last three years. Proud owners, of a truly fantastic home, in an absolutely outstanding location.
The moment you pull into the property, you are greeted with an abundance of colour. Vibrant, lush, welcoming gardens- expertly crafted, lovingly cared for. A tropical cocktail setting the stage for luxurious living.
The outdoor entertaining space is immaculate. From the shaded entertaining area to the top-end, privately positioned spa pool, supercharged with three engines.
Enjoy that morning coffee in the sun, and the family dinner in the shade after a day of swimming, fishing and relaxing.
The lower floor is flooded with natural light. You've got these big bright slider doors that flow directly into two separate entertaining areas.
The designer kitchen is beautiful, practical, functional and full of optimism. A place where family parties, special occasions and the fondest memories have all been shared by the current owners.
Every bedroom is generous in size, drenched with sun and positioned to maximise privacy while keeping that sense of closeness and family together. The downstairs bedroom, positioned with its own bathroom is a perfect extra bedroom, home office, or room for extended family and guests to stay.
The property was built just five years ago by GJ Gardner Homes - supervised by their lead project manager and upgraded for their own living. Boasting underfloor bathroom heating, a waterfall kitchen bench top, a DVS system, a ducted heat pump, a wired network hub, carpeted extended internal garage, an infrared outdoor heating system, oodles of storage, self-closing draws and rich, luxurious wooden flooring. There is also a very cool secret cupboard that is actually so secret - I can't even tell you where it is!
It's easy to see why this part of Red Beach is one of the most tightly held and sought-after locations on the Hibiscus Coast. With an abundance of beaches, walkways, tennis courts, sports fields, top schools, parks, cafes, restaurants, shops and community activities all so close by. A lifestyle most people only get to enjoy on their very best holidays.
This is a home you just don't find every day. It's about the gardens, it's about the beach, it's about really good living. With so much character and so much on offer, whoever is lucky enough to purchase this property, can enjoy it for many years to come.