Rīhi: 34 Shortland Street, Taone ā te Rāpare 5 o Hakihea 2024 i te 10:00AM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
He whenua tūturu! He whare tū motuhake! Ā, ko te mea nui - he kaihoko tino hihiko! Ngā kaihoko whare tuatahi, ngā kaituku moni, ngā whānau - kia tere!
He whare iti te tiaki, e 4 ngā rūma moe me 2.5 ngā wharepaku! Kotahi tau noa iho te pakeke!
He wāhi noho mahere tuwhera, he wāhi kai me te kīhini tunu kai mā te hau i te papa whenua, tae atu ki te kāreti kotahi me te wharepaku manuhiri. He nui ngā wāhi tūnga waka i te huarahi kāniwha.
Ki runga, koa ki ngā rūma moe e whā he rahi ngāwari me ngā wharepaku huatau e rua, tae atu ki tētahi rūma nui.
Kei te hēkona noa iho mai i ngā rawa o Lincoln Road tae atu ki ngā toa hokomaha, toa, wharekai, whare kawhe, ā, he tata ki ngā kura maha, te kawe tūmatanui me te uru ngāwari ki te ara tere.
Kei roto i te rohe mō te Kura o Birdwood, te Kāreti o Waitakere, te Kura Tuarua o Massey, me te Kura o St Pauls (Massey).
Kaua e tukua tēnei whai wāhitanga kia mawhiti i ō maihao! Kia tere te mahi hei whakarite i tētahi wā titiro i te kāinga tuwhera, hei titiro motuhake rānei!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
25A Scarlet Drive, Ranui, Waitakere City, Auckland Must sale! No plan B!Freehold! Free standing! And the most important - super motivated vendor! First home buyers, investors, families - be quick!
Low maintenance weather board, 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms! Only 1 year new!
Open plan living area, dining and gas cooking kitchen on grand floor, also single garage and a gust toilet. Plenty of street parking available at cul de sac street.
Upstairs, enjoy four generously sized bedrooms and two stylish bathrooms, including a master suite.
Located minutes away from Lincoln Road amenities including supermarkets, shops, restaurants, cafes and close to numerous schools, public transport and easy access to the motorway.
Zoned for Birdwood School, Waitakere College, Massey High School, and St Pauls School (Massey).
Don't let this opportunity slip through your fingers! Act quickly to schedule a viewing during open home or for a private viewing!