Tāuru Rapu...
141-149 King Street, Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland, 0 rūma, 0 rūma horoi, Retail Property
Kua Tangohia


141-149 King Street, Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland


Kei te hokona: RSM House, Building 5, 62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki i te Tūrei 17 o Mahuru 2024 i te 1:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)

Kua noho tēnei ki te whānau kotahi mō neke atu i te 70 tau, ā, kua tae ki te wā hei hoko.

He whare hokohoko/tari kotahi te papa, tata ki te 350m² te rahi, kei runga i te whenua motuhake 669m².

Kua hokona me ngā riihi e whā kei te wāhi nei, arā ko Wrights Jewellers, Shoe Stop, Credit One, me tētahi kuti makawe, e whakarato ana i te rīhi ā-tau katoa e $131,969 + GST me OPEX.

Kua tohua hei Pakihi - Pokapū Taone, e āhei ana te hanga whare mai i te whā ki te waru papa te teitei. Ka whakarato te rohe i te whānuitanga o ngā mahi ka taea, tae atu ki te hokohoko i te papa whenua me ngā mahi tari me ngā nohonga i ngā papa runga.

Kei te tū te rawa nei ki tētahi wāhi tino kitea i te huarahi matua o Pukekohe e tipu tere ana. He ngāwari te uru atu ki ngā waka tūmatanui, e 650m pea te tawhiti mai i te teihana pahi me te teihana tereina. Ka whakawātea tēnei i te urunga atu ki Tāmaki Makaurau.

Ko te whare he 15% te tohu NBS.

He pai mō ngā kaihoko moni me ngā kaiwhakawhanake.

Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson

141-149 King Street, Pukekohe, Franklin, Auckland PUKEKOHE MAIN STREET - 7.7% RETURN

This has been in the same family for over 70 years and it's time to sell.

Single level approx. 350m² retail/office building on 669m² of fee simple land.

Sold with four tenancies in place being Wrights Jewellers, Shoe Stop, Credit One, and a barber, providing a total annual rental of $131,969 + GST and OPEX.

Zoned Business - Town Centre which typically enables building heights of between four and eight storeys. The zone provides a wide range of potential activities including retail on the ground floor and office and residential activities on the upper floors.

The property is situated in a high-visibility location on the main street of fast-growing Pukekohe. Easy access to public transport being only 650m approx. from the bus terminal and train station. This will provide easy access to Auckland.

The building has a 15% NBS rating.

Ideal for investors and developers.

See this listing on Barfoot & Thompson


King Street Poraka me nga raraunga a tawhio noa

Ngā Mea e Pai Ana Koe

Wā Whakahou Mutunga:2024-12-06 04:15:34