Ko te nohoanga ataahua o Parnell i tōna pai rawa atu kei roto i tētahi whare tawhito o te tau 1870 kua whakahoutia ki te papai, e huna ana i roto i tētahi māra ngaro e tata ana ki te Parnell Village. Kei te taumata kotahi ngāwari, e tuku ana te kāinga huatau i te kounga pai puta noa. Ko ngā rahinga ātaahua me ngā tuanui teitei e tāpiri ana i te āhua rangatira tuku iho, i a ngā taputapu hoahoa me ngā rauemi e whakatutuki ana i te pai o te hoahoanga hou. Ko ngā tatau Wīwī teitei ake e hono ana i te rūma kai me te rūma noho ki te waihanga i tētahi wāhi whakangahau mīharo, moemoeā hoki e mahana ana i ngā ahi tuku iho. Ka toro atu ēnei rūma atua ki tētahi tērahi māra rā. Ko te kīhini hou e manaaki ana i ngā hiahia katoa o te kaitunu kai me ngā taputapu kounga me te rokiroki nui. E huri ana i tētahi motu māpere pokapū, ā, ka toro atu tētahi wāhi rite ki te whare karaihe ki waho ki tētahi marae me tētahi māra potager. He wātea te tari kei te taha o te kīhini. He ātaahua te wharepaku manuhiri kua taupokina ki te tāera mosaic e manaaki ana i te horoi kakahu, ā, kei roto i te rūma moenga matua he wharepaku ātaahua e kī ana i te māramatanga me te rokiroki whaiaro. Tae atu ki te pākaro rua haumaru me te tūnga waka atu i te tiriti, he rokiroki hira kei reira. He mea onge te whai wāhitanga ki te noho i tētahi taiao ātaahua pēnei e tata ana ki te Village, ki Britomart me te CBD. Whai muri i te noho aroha o neke atu i te 25 tau, kei te whakaiti iho ō mātou kaihoko. Kaua e roa te tuku uiui.
25 Earle Street, Parnell, Auckland City, Auckland Beautiful secretRefined Parnell living at its best in a luxuriously updated 1870s character villa, securely hidden in a secret garden moments from Parnell Village.
All on one easy level, the elegant home offers exceptional quality throughout. Generous proportions and high ceilings lend traditional grandeur while designer fittings and materials achieve contemporary architectural finesse.
Overheight French doors connect the dining room and lounge to create a magnificent, dreamy entertaining space warmed by traditional fireplaces. These divine rooms expand to a sunny garden terrace.
The modern kitchen caters to a chef’s every requirement with quality appliances and plentiful storage. It revolves around a central marble island and a conservatory-style area reaches outside to a courtyard and potager garden. Conveniently located, the office is off the kitchen.
A handsome mosaic tiled guest bathroom accommodates the laundry and the master bedroom includes a gorgeous light-filled ensuite plus customised storage. As well as secure double garaging and extra off-street parking there is exceptional storage.
Rarely does the privilege of being able to reside in such a beautiful setting so close to the Village, Britomart and the CBD arise.
After a beloved tenure of over 25 years our vendors are downsizing. Don’t delay your enquiry any longer.