Tender: Ka kati a te Paraire 2 o Akuhata 2024 i te 4:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua) He poraka whenua ahurei, kotahi anake o tōna momo, me tētahi tautuhinga ātaahua me ngā tirohanga whānui ki runga i te Waitemata Harbour, he mea tika kia whakaarohia tēnei whai wāhitanga pēke whenua. Kua kitea kētia te pūmanawa, kua oti kē te mahi pakeke, whakamahia te painga o te RC mō ngā poraka takitahi e 4 kua oti kē, hei whakamahi i te oranga manu māori, ngahere māori, ngā tirohanga ataahua me ngā taiao o tēnei Rohe Noho Taiwhenua me te Takutai. He maha ngā rākau huarākau, ngā tipu ā-rohe, he ranunga o te mārie me te ātaahua tūturu o te whenua momona, he piringa tūmataiti pea – he mutunga kore ngā whiringa!
Ngā Kōrero Matua o te Whenua:
Whakaarohia te pūmanawa o ngā whare e whā kua hoahoatia, KAUA rānei e waihanga i tō ake hoahoa mō ia. He tirohanga whānui tēnei whanaketanga ki runga i tētahi papa kākāriki. Kua oti kē ngā mahere kua whakaaetia me te whakaaetanga rauemi mō ngā mahinga toi hoahoanga e 4 hei paihere i ngā tirohanga whānui, kua oti kē te mahi pakeke. Hei kē, he kānawehi mā, e tuku ana i te whai wāhitanga ki a koe ki te hoahoa i ōu ake kāinga moemoeā ki tēnei wāhi ātaahua. Ka whakanuia e ngā kaihoko te wātea o te urunga atu me te noho muna me te mārie o tō rātou oāsis whakamīharo. He ara pahi kura e hono ana i ngā whare mātauranga tūmataiti me te tūmatanui me te urunga ngāwari ki te Park and Ride me te Albany Westfield Mall. Tēnā, whakapā atu ki ngā kaihoko mō te Kete Kōrero i tēnei rā. Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson.
1 Buckleys Track, Paremoremo, North Shore City, Auckland Competitive Price for the Right Buyer!Motivated for Sale - Amazing Opportunity
Exceptional ‘one of a kind’ coastal parcel of land with idyllic setting and sweeping vista views over the Waitemata Harbour, this land banking opportunity is worth considering.
With potential spotted and all the hard work done, leverage off the existing RC for 4 individual lots to capitalize on the tranquil birdlife, native bush, outstanding scenic views and surroundings for this popular Rural and Coastal Settlement Zone.
Ample fruit trees, tropical plants, a blend of tranquillity and natural beauty of a lush landscape, a potential private retreat – if you are a Residential Developer or an investor looking to future-plan your next project, please contact us for an info pack today.
Property Highlights Include:
• Land Size; 15,980sqm (1.598 hectare)
• Zoned for Residential – Rural and Coastal Settlement
• Resource Consent approved for 4 Lots
• Offering breathtaking Upper Harbour Views
• Architecturally Designed for 4 standalone homes
• Approved RC, Geotech Report, Lots and House Designs Available
With pre-approved plans and resource consent for 4 architectural masterpieces to enjoy expansive views, the hard work has already been done. Alternatively, this is a blank canvas, offering you the opportunity to design your own dream homes in this stunning location.
The property's convenient location, dual-motorway access, and proximity to Albany's amenities enhance its desirability. Buyers will appreciate the ease of access while still enjoying the privacy and tranquillity of their stunning oasis.
School bus route connecting all major private and public education facilities with easy access to Park and Ride and Albany Westfield Mall.
Please contact agents for Info-Pack today. Selling plus GST (GST Exclusive).