Kei te noho tēnei rawa ki tētahi pae kōtui motuhake 500 mita tapawha i te pokapū o Albany, ā, ko te whakatau mō tēnei rawa he māmā noa iho te 'āe'. He ataahua tēnei whare kotahi te papa, he nui te kīhini me te rūma noho tuwhera, e whā ngā rūma moe, e rua ngā rūma horoi, me tētahi whare tārua maukati e rua ngā waka, he urunga ā-roto anō hoki.
Ko te wāhi noho matua he rerehua ki waho ki tētahi marae taiapa katoa, he wāhi anō hei tāpiri uara mā te whakapaipai whenua anō, ā, he āheinga anō hei waihanga i tētahi wāhi whakangahau ātea mīharo.
I hoahoatia me te noho ā-whānau i te hinengaro, kei tētahi parirau o te rawa te rūma moe matua-nui, he rūma kākahu haere me tētahi rūma horoi motuhake-āhua, ko tētahi huinga motuhake o ngā rūma moe e toru kei te taha kē.
He hae te wāhi, me ngā kōwhiringa mātauranga pai me ngā wheako hokohoko pai rawa atu o Albany e tata ana. He ngāwari hoki te uru atu ki te Ara Raki, he mea ngāwari ai te haere ki te mahi.
Kua mārama ngā tohutohu: me hoko wawe tēnei rawa haumi. He pono, he whai wāhi hoko mātau, he mea whakamārie te hinengaro. Whai muri iho, ko wai ka kore e aroha ki te pereki kotahi te papa?
11 Sunvista Avenue, Oteha, North Shore City, Auckland Brick Beauty - Get Ready to Bid!Situated on a premium 500 sqm freehold corner site in central Albany, making a decision about this property should be an easy yes. This single-level beauty boasts a large open-plan kitchen and lounge, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a double lock-up garage with internal access.
The main living space seamlessly flows out to a fully fenced yard, offering room to add value with further landscaping and the potential to create a stunning outdoor entertainment area.
Designed with family living in mind, the spacious master bedroom-complete with a walk-in robe and ensuite-is located on one wing of the property, while a separate suite of three bedrooms occupies the other side.
The location is enviable, with excellent schooling options and Albany's finest shopping experiences just a stone's throw away. Plus, easy access to the Northern Motorway makes commuting a breeze.
Instructions are clear: this investment property is to be sold without delay. This is, without a doubt, a peace-of-mind, smart-buying opportunity. After all, who doesn't love single-level brick?