E noho ana i tētahi o ngā tiriti tino hiahiatia o Orakei, kua puta te whare ahurei hoahoanga o te tekau tau 1980 ki te mākete mō te wā tuatahi i roto i ngā tau 26. Me ngā tirohanga whānui ki te pae tāone me Hobson Bay, he āhuatanga raki-uru e hiahiatia ana, me te marama taiao e pupuri ana, he kāinga tēnei e kore e taea te whakakahore i tōna ātaahua—me tōna pūmanawa kaore anō kia taea.
* I hoahoatia puta noa i ngā taumata wehe, he maha ngā whiringa o te whakatakotoranga, ā, kei roto i ngā āhuatanga e toru ngā rūma moe me tētahi tari, e rua ngā rūma noho wehe, me tētahi kīhini me te rohe kai mahere tuwhera—katoa i tūnga pai hei hopu i te tirohanga whakamīharo.
* Ko te rūma matua he mea whai wharepaku motuhake, ā, he wharepaku anō me tētahi rūma paura hei manaaki i te whānau me ngā manuhiri.
* Ahakoa kua nui te aroha ki te kāinga, kua rite mō tētahi whakahou, he mea whakahirahira tēnei mō te hunga e rapu ana ki te whakahou me te tāpiri uara ki tētahi wāhi tino pai.
* Me ngā kaihoko e hiahia ana ki te neke atu i Tāmaki, koinei tō wā ki te riro i tētahi rawa e whai hua ana i te tirohanga me te haumi.
Ngā āhuatanga anō:
* I hangaia i te tau 1988 me te hanganga insulclad kua oti te whakaputa
* E rua ngā wāhi noho me ngā tirohanga manawa tāwhiowhio
* He karāti uru rua ā-roto
* He kāinga mahana me te rā katoa
He mea onge te kitea o ngā kāinga i tēnei tūnga me tēnei momo tirohanga. Me riro māu, ā, ko ngā hua ka whai ake. Ka mahi tahi mātou me ngā tari katoa, nō reira mēnā he kaihoko ōu e hiahia ana, tēnā, waea atu ki a Mike i te rā nei, 021 934240.
35 Ngaiwi Street, Orakei, Auckland City, Auckland Elevated Potential with Panoramic ViewsPerched in one of Orakei's most desirable streets, this architecturally unique 1980s modernist home is on the market for the first time in 26 years. With sweeping views over the city skyline and Hobson Bay, a prized north-westerly aspect, and abundant natural light, this is a home with undeniable appeal-and untapped potential.
* Designed across split levels, the layout offers versatility, featuring three bedrooms plus an office, two separate lounges, and an open-plan kitchen and dining area-all strategically positioned to take in the spectacular outlook.
* The master suite enjoys its own ensuite, while an additional bathroom and powder room cater to family and guests.
* While the home has been well-loved, it's ready for a refresh, making it an exceptional opportunity for those looking to modernize and add value in a blue-chip location.
* With motivated vendors relocating out of Auckland, this is your chance to secure a property that rewards vision and investment.
Additional features:
* Built in 1988 with insulclad rendered construction
* Two living areas with breathtaking views
* Double internal access garage
* Exceptionally warm and sunny home
Homes in this location with this kind of outlook are a rare find. Make it yours and reap the rewards.
We happily collaborate with every agency so if you have buyers who may be interested please call Mike today, 021 934240.