E tata ana ki te Long Bay ataahua me ōna whare kawhe, toa me te takutai mīharo, tae atu ki te Okura Bush Reserve, ā, e ono kiromita noa iho mai i te pokapū o Albany e kōpikopiko ana, kāore e kore ka whai hua te hunga hoko whai whakaaro ki tēnei wāhi motuhake, e whakarato ana i te wāhi, te muna, me te whai wāhi ki te haumi, ki te whakahou, ki te koa rānei i tēnei kāinga rahirahi.
Kua neke atu i te tekau tau ngā kaihoko e noho ana ki tāwāhi, nā reira, kua tae ki te wā mō tētahi atu whānau ki te koa ki tēnei whare nui kei Okura Estate.
Kei te tū tika te whare rahi nei i runga i te neke atu i te 13 eka, he wāhi whakaruruhau mō te hunga e hiahia ana ki te muna me te wāhi nui. Kua taiapatia, ā, e huna ana i te ara taraiwa whakapaipai rākau; he whare tauwhāinga rua-papa tēnei e waihanga ana i tētahi tāpiritanga tuatahi whakamīharo.
Kāore e kore ka koa te hunga ki te nohoanga me te kai tūturu i te mea e whakaatu ana te pakitara karaihe teitei rua i ngā tērahi taha puna kaukau, te puna kaukau, te kōti tēnehi, ā, ka whai hua katoa i te tirohanga whakamīharo o te ākau o Okura.
Kei te papa whenua he kīhini āhua-whenua, ngā wāhi kai ōkawa me te kore ōkawa, he rūma noho whānau mahana, he rūma manuhiri me tētahi rūma tākaro me tōna arawhata ake ki tētahi rūma ako i runga, he tino pai mō te mahi i te kāinga.
He āhuatanga whakamīharo te arawhata tīwai rākau e hono ana ki te papa runga mā te arawhata mekameka ataahua i waenga i te parirau hauāuru ki te rāwhiti, kei reira ngā rūma moenga nui e toru me te rūma matua whakahirahira e whakaatu ana i tētahi wharepaku nui, he rūma kākahu hīkoi me tōna paparanga motuhake e tuku ana i ngā tirohanga manawa-kore - he wāhi tino pai mō te okiokinga tūturu.
Tūhura i ngā whenua ataahua kua whakapaipaihia, ngā pātītī, me ngā papa tarutaru. He motuhake te whare manuhiri kua oti te whakarite, e wha ngā rūma moenga (kei te reti i tēnei wā) me ngā wāhi tūwaka hōhā.
Kei roto hoki ngā whare putunga waka mō te rima waka, he whare mō te poti, me ngā wāhi tūwaka nui - kawea mai te whānau katoa me ngā hōiho me ngā hipi.
He pūmanawa ki te wehewehe me te haumi, ki te whakahou, ki te okioki rānei i tēnei whare rangatira, ko te kōwhiringa māu.
Hokonga Kati: Ka kati ā te 4:00 i.h. Paraire 23 o Hereturikōkā 2024 (ki te kore e hokona i mua).
189 Vaughans Road, Okura, North Shore City, Auckland Your Okura Country Estate, Two Homes - One TitleMotivated and realistic vendors moving overseas, this is your opportunity to own this exclusive estate in the sought after Okura and Long Bay enclave.
Walk or electric bike to New World, health centres and cafes or the beach to walk the beautiful Okura farm reserve and swim at Granny's Bay, this home offers space, lifestyle and privacy.
Perfectly positioned on over 13 acres, gated and down a private tree lined driveway; this ever so grand two-level statement home makes a striking first impression. This family home is over 700 sq m (more or less) in size, offering a sanctuary for those desiring utmost privacy and space.
Formal living and dining with double height glazed wall highlighting poolside terraces, the swimming pool, tennis court, and ensuring all will enjoy the lovely Okura estuary vista beyond.
The ground floor offers a generous kitchen,four informal and formal living areas, a guest suite and a games room with its own staircase to an upper study room, upper floor three further bedrooms and large Master suite, all with private balcony and views.
The well-separated guest house with four bedrooms (currently tenanted until Dec 2024) along with generous parking facilities bringing you a healthy investment or room for the whole extended family.
Two car internal garaging plus a huge triple car garage with space for a gym or office plus a boat shed/stables -bring the whole extended family, the horses and sheep.
Swimming pool, Tennis Court, games room, guest suite and epic water views from all rooms do not miss out on this stunning Okura Estate..
Opportunity for land bankers, investors and extended families alike.
Contact Natalie Newton to arrange your viewing of this stunning property on +64 21 525 882
*boundary lines are indicative only