Kia tere! Kei te tatari tēnei whare mō ōna rangatira hou. He tata ki ngā ratonga katoa me ngā rohe kura pai.
Kei te papa whenua te rūma moenga nui o te rangatira me tētahi wharepaku me te rūma kākahu. Kei te papa tuarua, e rua ngā rūma moenga rahi me tētahi wharepaku me te wharepaku motuhake.
He rūma noho rahi me te nohoanga tuwhera e arahina atu ana ki tētahi kīhini kua oti te whakarite. Kei muri he papa kohatu me te taiapa oti, he whare māra nui me tētahi māra iti watea.
He kāreti uru rua me te rūma horoi me te tatau ki te marae o muri.
E rua ngā ara taraiwa, tētahi ki ia taha o te whare, e whakarato ana i te nui o ngā wāhi tūnga waka i te pae tukutuku.
Te tirotiro mā te whakarite wā anake, kia rite rānei ki te pānui.
Kaua e roa. Waea mai ināianei!!
1/132 Millhouse Drive, Northpark, Manukau City, Auckland Gorgeous Home in Prime LocationBetter be quick! This family home awaits its new owners. Close to all amenities and great school zones.
Comprising large master bedroom on the on the ground floor with ensuite and walk-in cupboard. On the top level there are two generous size bedrooms and separate bathroom and toilet.
Generous size lounge with open plan living that leads to a fully equipped kitchen. The rear is paved and fully fenced with a large garden shed and handy small garden.
Double internal access garage with laundry and door to rear courtyard.
There are two driveways, one on either side of the property which allows for ample on-site parking
Viewing by appointment or as advertised.
Don't Delay. Call today!!