E rapu ana koe i tō haumi hou, i tō kāinga tuatahi rānei? Ahakoa te aha, ko New Lynn te wāhi e hiahia ana koe kia noho! Me tōna pokapū kawe waka tino pai, ngā kai reka o Brickworks, te whare pukapuka tamariki, ngā whare pikitia o Reading, me LynnMall, kei konei anake ngā mea katoa e hiahiatia ana e koe.
He ātaahua tēnei whare iti, he whare noho whakarite kaupapa tuwhera kei roto ko te kīhini, te kai, te rūma moe, me te rūma noho, me tētahi rūma kaukau motuhake. Noho hohe, noho pāpori me ngā rawa whakahirahira kei te pae tukutuku, tae atu ki te kōti tēnehi, te puna kaukau, te whare omaoma, me te marae tūmatanui.
Hei tāpiri, koa ki te painga anō o tētahi wāhi pāka waka haumaru me tētahi paparanga whai rā.
He tino pai mō ngā kaihoko tuatahi me ngā kaihoko haumi, kāore e roa ka ngaro tēnei whai wāhitanga noho utu whaitake i te pokapū o New Lynn. Waea atu ināianei ki te whakarite i tētahi tirohanga!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
3L/17 Crown Lynn Place, New Lynn, Waitakere City, Auckland Ideal Investment or First Home OpportunityLooking for your next investment or your first home? Either way, New Lynn is where you want to be! With its excellent transport hub, vibrant Brickworks eateries, a kids' library, Reading Cinemas, and LynnMall, everything you need is just a short stroll away.
This charming, compact apartment offers an open-plan layout featuring a kitchen, dining, bedroom, and lounge area, along with a separate bathroom. Stay active and social with fantastic on-site amenities, including a tennis court, swimming pool, gym, and communal courtyard.
Plus, enjoy the added benefit of a secure parking space and a sun-filled balcony.
Perfect for both first-time buyers and investors, this affordable living opportunity in the heart of New Lynn won't last long. Call now to arrange a viewing!