E hea ana tēnei wāhi onge me te whakaongaonga hei moemoeā nui, hei whakawhanake i tēnei wāhanga whenua ki ōna pūmanawa katoa.
• Kei te tūranga whenua koreherehe he 489m2
• Kua tohua hei Whare Māori Tauwhāiti me te uru ngāwari ki ngā ratonga huna, he mea whakamīharo ki ngā kaiwhakawhanake me te hunga e hiahia ana ki te pēke whenua mō te tipu ā muri ake nei.
• He meneti noa iho mai i ngā urunga matua o te ara tere, ngā huarahi matua me ngā waka tūmatanui
• E tata ana ki te kāinga pukumahi o Ellerslie, te toa hokohoko nui o Sylvia Park me te huarahi whai ora o Lunn Avenue, kāore koe e poto ki ngā rawa i tēnei tūnga whakahirahira!
13A Rutland Road, Mount Wellington, Auckland City, Auckland Build Your Dream HomeHere's a rare and exciting opportunity to dream big and develop this slice of real estate to its fullest potential.
• Positioned on a freehold section of 489sqm.
• Zoned Mixed Housing Suburban with convenient access to underground services, appealing to both developers and those looking to land bank for future growth.
• Minutes from motorway access, main arterial routes and public transportation.
• Situated close to the bustling village of Ellerslie, shopping mecca Sylvia Park and vibrant Lunn Avenue, you are not short of amenities in this superb location!