Hokona Kati: Ka kati ā te Wenerei te 19 o Hui-tanguru 2025 i te 2:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kei te raki o ngā toa o Mt Albert, kei tēnei whenua tūranga pai he poraka whenua Freehold e 1,751m² me te ture whenua pai, e 350 mita noa iho mai i te teihana rerewē.
Kua whakaaetia te pae nei mō ngā whakaaetanga rauemi me ngā whakaaetanga hanga mō tētahi whanaketanga kounga teitei o 38 waeine me 31 wāhi tūnga waka, e 4,982m² te tapeke.
Ka tukuna kau noa, he pai tēnei rawa mā tētahi kaiwhakawhanake e rapu ana i tētahi kaupapa rite tonu ki te haere, mā rānei tētahi kaiwhakamahi e hiahia ana i tētahi poraka whenua nui me te tirohanga nui.
Waea mai ināianei mō ngā mōhiohio katoa.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
847 New North Road, Mt Albert, Auckland City, Auckland DEVELOP OR OCCUPYDeadline sale: Closes on Wednesday 19 February 2025 at 2:00PM (unless sold prior)
Located just north of the Mt Albert shops, this well-positioned property consists of a 1,751m² Freehold land parcel with favourable zoning, just 350 metres from the railway station.
The site has gone through both resource and building consents for a high-quality 38-unit development with 31 car parks, totalling 4,982m².
Offered vacant, the property suits a developer looking for a ready-to-go scheme, or an occupier who requires a large parcel of land with high visibility.
Call now for full information.