Rāhui: 8-12 Te Ara Tūruhi, Takapuna, ā te Wenerei te 6 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2024, i te 9:30 i te ata (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kei te noho tēnei rawa ki runga i tētahi poraka whenua nui, 776 mita pūrua, kei roto i tētahi rohe noho tāone whakauru e tino rapuhia ana, he mea nui tēnei mō tētahi kaiwhakawhanake, kaihoko rānei, tae atu ki te tangata mātau e rapu ana i tā rātou kaupapa hou. He nui te pūmanawa mō te wehewehe whenua, he mea whakamīharo mō ngā whanaketanga ā muri ake nei.
Ko te whare o nāianei he whare toru rūma moenga me tētahi kīhini paerewa e hono ana ki tētahi wāhi kai tuitui, e whakarato ana i tētahi wāhi noho whakamarie, mahi hoki. Kei te rawa nei tētahi wharepaku motuhake, tētahi wharepaku anō motuhake me tētahi whare motukā, e whakarato ana i ngā mea tūāpapa katoa mō te noho whakamarie. Ka kite ngā kaiwhakahou i te pūmanawa ki te whakapiki i tōna uara, ā, mā ngā kaiwhakawhanake e tūhura ngā kōwhiringa whakaongaonga.
Kei tētahi wāhi matua, he torutoru noa iho ngā meneti mai i ngā toa ā-rohe, ngā kura me ngā waka tūmatanui, ā, e tata ana ki te Pokapū Hoko o Te Tai Hauāuru e toro haere nei, e tuku ana te rawa i te wātea me te pūmanawa tipu ā muri ake nei. He ngāwari te uru atu ki te ara tere ki te tāone me te Tai Tokerau, ka tāpiri anō tēnei i tōna ātaahua.
Ahakoa kei te rapu koe ki te whakawhanake, ki te whakahou, ki te noho, ki te pupuri rānei hei haumi, ka tukuna e tēnei rawa kei te pūtahi o Massey he whai wāhitanga mō te āmuri. Whakapā atu ki a Ming i tēnei rā ki te tiro i tēnei kāinga!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
27 Cyclarama Crescent, Massey, Waitakere City, Auckland Development potential is endless!Situated on a large 776sqm block of land within a highly sought after mixed urban residential area, this property presents an excellent opportunity for a developer, investor or astute home buyer looking for their next project. Subdivision potential is huge, making it an attractive prospect for future development.
The current residence is a 3 bedroom home with a standard kitchen that connects to an integrated meals area, providing a comfortable and functional living space. The property comes with 1 separate bathroom, 1 additional separate toilet and 1 garage, providing all the essentials for comfortable living. Renovators will see the potential to enhance its value, while developers may explore a range of exciting options.
Located in a prime location, just minutes away from local shops, schools and public transport, and close to the ever-expanding North West Shopping Centre, the property offers both convenience and future growth potential. Easy access to the freeway to the city and North Shore further adds to its appeal.
Whether you are looking to develop, renovate, live in or hold as an investment, this property in the heart of Massey will provide you with a future-proof opportunity. Contact Ming today to view this home!