Kua rerekē ngā ture me ngā tikanga a te Kaunihera mō te whanaketanga me te tāpuitanga ka piki haere te utu.
Kua whakahoutia tēnei whare noho ā-whānau, kua whakaaetia te raihana rauemi e āhei ai te hanga whare hou ki muri i te whare o nāianei me ngā rūma moe e whā, ngā wharepaku e 2.5 me te whare motukā kotahi, me te herenga kia noho tonu te whare o nāianei ki tōna wāhi.
Kei te whare o nāianei ngā rūma moe e toru, te wharepaku kotahi, te wāhi motukā kotahi, me te kīhini hou, te peita me ngā papa hou kei te ara kūiti.
He wātea ki te huarahi matua 16, 18, te pokapū ā-rohe me ngā kura, me ētahi atu.
Tērā pea he pūmanawa anō kei raro i te papa hei huri hei wāhi noho anō, hei rūma moe rānei (me whai whakaaetanga a te Kaunihera).
Ahakoa e hoko ana koe i tō whare tuatahi, i tētahi haumi rānei, he nui ngā pūmanawa o tēnei whare ā-whānau ataahua mō te hanga uara ā muri ake nei (me whai whakaaetanga a te Kaunihera).
Mēnā kei te hiahia koe ki te mōhio atu anō, nau mai, pukapuka mai i tētahi wā tirohanga rānei me au, haere mai rānei ki taku whare tuwhera.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson.
25 Katrina Place, Massey, Waitakere City, Auckland Renovated Family Home with PotentialAuction: 34 Shortland Street, City on Friday 21 February 2025 at 10:00AM
Council has changed lots of rules and regulations on prospective development and contribution would be increase accordingly.
This renovated family home with resource consent granted which allows another 4 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms/toilets single garage to be built on the back of house on the condition that the existing house will stay where it is.
Existing house has 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom/toilet single carport with Brand new kitchen, painting and flooring located at the cul de sac street.
Handy to high way 16, 18, local centre and schools etc.
Another potential might be under subfloor to be converted into another living space, or bedrooms etc ( subject to council approval)
Whatever you are buying first home or investment, this lovely family home would be containing the potentials for future equity building up ( subject to council approval)
Want to know more, fele free to book the viewing with me or welcome through my open home.