E mau ana tēnei whenua 2.8-heketea i te taumaha o tōna tuku ihotanga rongonui, kua roa nei e puritia ana e te whānau Keane, kua tae ki te wā kia whakawhitia ki ngā ringa hou - he hītori kua tuhia ki te whenua me te rori i hangaia e rātou.
Ahakoa kua roa, he mutunga kore te pūmanawa o te whare - he āheinga rahi ki te whakahou, ki te hoahoa anō, kia tino whakatinanahia tōna āhua, kia taea ai te tirohanga whakahī ki Te Puru Park me ngā wai whānui o te Moana, me Waiheke me Great Barrier e whakapaipai ana i te pae tawhiti.
Ko te hoahoa toru-rūma moe he whakamaharatanga ki ōna rā, me ngā wāhi kīhini, kai, me te nohoanga e hono ana mā tētahi whakatuwheratanga pakitara, me te rūma kai e puta ana ki tētahi papatāwhara nui e tuku ana i tētahi tūranga rārangi mua ki te tirohanga ātaahua.
Ka kukume te rūma moe matua i te titiro ki tōna matapihi pātū nui, e whakaatu ana i te ngahere me te wai hei panaroma tūtata, ā, ka tāpiri tētahi tatau karaihe tae he pa ki te toi ki te hītori taonga o te whare.
I waho, ka whakakitea e te whenua tōna tino pūmanawa. Ko ngā wharau, ngā taiapa, ngā whare waka, me ngā pātītī porohita e whakatuwhera ana i ngā tūponotanga mutunga kore - ahakoa he pēke whenua koe, he kaiwhakawhanake, he kimi mokemoke rānei.
E mau ana i te tohu o tōna mua i runga i tētahi ara kotahi-ara e whakahōnore ana i tōna ingoa whānau, kei tēnei wāhi he tauritenga, e tuku ana i te mārie o tōna taiao me te uru watea ki Maraetai Beach, Pine Harbour Marina, me Whitford Village, me ngā hononga māmā ki ngā kura me te kawe waka.
E mau ana i tētahi tuku ihotanga i hangaia i roto i ngā whakatipuranga, kei te toro atu tēnei whenua i tētahi tono kotahi-i-te-oranga kia hangaia he anamata rite tonu ki tōna mua.
Tender Kati: Tāite 20 Hui-tanguru i te 12pm ki Ray White, 12 Uxbridge Road, Howick
Whakakape - Kei te hokona tēnei whenua mā te Tender, nō reira kāore he aratohu utu e tukuna. Tērā pea kua tātarihia te whenua ki tētahi wāhanga utu mō ngā take mahi paetukutuku. Me whakaoti e ngā kaihoko pea ō rātou ake mahi tirotiro, me rapu tohutohu ture me ngā tohunga kia makona ai rātou ki ngā kōrero i tukuna i te wā e hokona ana tēnei whenua, tae atu ki: ngā rahi o te papa me te whenua, ngā raina rohe, ngā ratonga kei raro i te whenua, me ngā mahere mahere, ngā whakaaetanga rānei.
69 Keanes Road, Maraetai, Manukau City, Auckland The Road They Built, The Legacy They LeaveCarrying the weight of its remarkable lineage, this 2.8-hectare property, held by the Keane family for centuries, is set to transition into new hands-a history etched into both the land and the road they built.
Though timeworn, the home holds limitless potential-an extraordinary opportunity to restore or redesign, unlocking its full promise to frame commanding views of Te Puru Park and the vast waters of the Gulf, with Waiheke and Great Barrier Island gracing the horizon.
The three-bedroom design remains a tribute to its time, featuring distinct kitchen, dining, and lounge spaces linked by a wall opening, with the lounge and dining room stepping out to a generous deck that offers a front-row position to the picturesque outlook.
The main bedroom draws the eye to its expansive bay window, presenting bushland and water as an intimate panorama, while a stained-glass door adds an artisan touch to the home's rich history.
Outside, the land reveals its true promise. Shedding, stables, garaging, and rolling paddocks welcome endless possibilities-whether you're a land banker, developer, or a seeker of solitude.
Carrying the imprint of its past on a one-way road that honors its family name, this location enjoys a position of balance, offering the tranquillity of its setting alongside convenient access to Maraetai Beach, Pine Harbour Marina, and Whitford Village, with seamless links to schools and transport.
A legacy shaped over generations, this property extends a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to craft a future as distinctive as its past.
Tender Closes: Thursday 20 February at 12pm at Ray White, 12 Uxbridge Road, Howick
Disclaimer - This property is being sold by Tender and therefore a price guide will not be provided. The website may have filtered the property into a price bracket for website functionality purposes. All prospective purchasers shall complete their own due diligence, seek legal and expert advice to satisfy themselves with respect to information supplied during the marketing of this property, including but not limited to: the floor and land sizes, boundary lines, underground services, along with any scheme plans or consents.