Rāhui: 62 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki i te Tūrei 27 o Here-turi-kōkā 2024 i te 1:00PM (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Nau mai ki tētahi āhua noho whai hua me te huatau, me tētahi kāinga e tuku ana i te pai o ngā ao e rua. He whare ataahua tēnei, kua whakaatuhia me te kāhua reka, e tuku ana i tētahi whai wāhitanga ahurei mā ngā kaihoko mātanga.
He nui ake te ātaahua o te whare i ōna āhuatanga o roto anake. Me tētahi kāreti kotahi me te nui o te whenua, he nui te wāhi mō ngā waka maha. He kāinga tēnei ka tipu tahi me ō hiahia ka urutau ki tō āhua noho.
He mea nui te wāhi i roto i te ao rawa, ā, kei te hira tēnei rawa i tēnei āhuatanga. Ka kitea koe e noho tata ana ki ngā ratonga pērā i te Countdown, ngā toa kai, ngā kura, me te teihana tereina o Homai. He torutoru noa iho meneti te taraiwa ki te Pokapū o Manukau, me te maha atu o ngā toa miraka me ngā ratonga e tata ana.
Ko te noho ki konei te kuhu ki tētahi āhua noho whai hua, whakamarie, me te huatau. He āhua noho uaua ki te tāruarua, ā, tērā pea kāore e wātea mō te roa.
Ka tino kukume te tuku ahurei me te wāhi hira o te rawa i te hiahia kaha mai i te whānuitanga o ngā kaihoko pea. Kaua e ngaro i tēnei whai wāhitanga ki te whakarite i tētahi kāinga e tū rangatira ana i te mākete.
Ehara tēnei i te whare hei hoko noa iho - he āhua noho kei te tatari kia wheakohia, he moemoeā kei te tatari kia whakatinanahia.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
16 Josie Lane, Manurewa, Manukau City, Auckland Investor's ChoiceWelcome to a lifestyle of convenience and elegance, and a home that offers the best of both worlds. This beautifully presented and tastefully styled residence offers a unique opportunity for perceptive buyers.
The property's appeal extends beyond its internal features. With a single garage and abundant land space, there's ample room for multiple vehicles. This is a home that can grow with your needs and adapt to your lifestyle.
Location is key when it comes to real estate, and this property excels in this regard. You'll find yourself just a stone's throw away from amenities such as Countdown, takeaways, schools, and the Homai train station. A few minutes' drive will take you to Manukau City Center, with a variety of dairy shops and further amenities nearby.
Living here means embracing a lifestyle of convenience, comfort, and style. It's a lifestyle that's hard to replicate, and one that surely won't be available for long.
The property's unique offer and outstanding location are sure to attract strong interest from a wide range of prospective buyers. Don't miss this opportunity to secure a home that truly stands out in the market.
This is not just a house for sale - it's a lifestyle waiting to be experienced, a dream waiting to be realized.