E whakaatu ana i tētahi kite onge mō te hunga e rapu ana i tētahi kāinga tata hou, utu whaitake, me ngā whakaurunga hou.
Tūhura i tēnei whare noho kotahi-rūma moe ataahua, e whakamanamana ana i tōna āhua tino pai, he pāti nui, me tētahi wāhi tū motokā kua rāhuitia kei te whare rangatira o Ramada.
Kei te takiwā noa iho mai i te Due Drop Events Centre e pōhara ana, me te Vector Wero Whitewater Park e whakaohooho ana, me te urunga ngāwari atu ki te SH1 Southern Motorway. Ko ngā wāhi watea e pātata ana ko te Superclinic, te CBD o Manukau, te Whare Wānanga o Hangarau o Manukau, ngā Māra Tipu, te Hōhipera o Middlemore, me te Taunga Rererangi o Ākarana he puku tawhiti noa iho 15km.
Kia koa ki te Cafe Bistro i te papa whenua mō tō inu kawhe o ia rā me ngā kai, ā, whakamahia hoki te Whare Korikori Tinana kei te pae tukutuku mō tō mahi tinana i te ata.
Ahakoa e rapu ana koe i tētahi kāinga whakamarie, he whai wāhitanga haumi rānei, e tuku ana tēnei rawa i ēnei mea e rua!
Mahia ināianei hei whakarite i tō tirohanga motuhake, ā, hopu i tēnei whai wāhitanga tū motuhake. Whakapā mai ki a mātou i tēnei rā mō ētahi atu taipitopito.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson
705/770A Great South Road, Manukau, Manukau City, Auckland Vendors Plans Have Changed…Beautifully positioned, this sun-soaked sanctuary is the perfect home ownership starter or investment opportunity.
Discover this charming one bedroom apartment in a central location. The apartment is in as-new condition and comes with a covered balcony that is the perfect spot to soak up the sun while enjoying that morning cup of coffee before you start your day. A rarity, it Includes a private car park next to the building with CCTV overlooking it and easy access to the elevator, and for your convenience access to the in-house gym. Overlooking the exhilarating Vector Wero Whitewater Park with easy access to main arterial routes including motorways, Airport, Manukau CBD, Hospitals, shops, transport hubs and with the building including a wonderful café at ground level, this is convenience at its best.
Located in the prestigious Ramada Building, whether you want a safe & secure start to home ownership or you are looking for a smart investment opportunity, this apartment is sure to tick your boxes.
The vendor has finalised his next move, so packing has begun in earnest. Don’t delay, give me a call to book a private viewing