E rapu ana koe i tētahi haumi papai me ngā wāhanga e rua me te hokinga mai nui? Kaua e rapu kē atu!
Kei te tuku i ngā waeine e rua kua wehea, e rua ngā moni whiwhi ka taea i raro i tētahi taitara kore here me tētahi wāhi waka haumaru i raro i te whakamarumaru. Ko te ia hou rawa atu i te noho ā-whare rangatira.
Ko te waeine tuatahi he whare kotahi rūma moe kua whakaritea, me ngā tirohanga whānui, kīhini hou, pati papai, pātītī me te papu wera mō te whakamarie puta noa i te tau.
Ko te tuarua he whare taiwhanga kotahi rūma moe kua whakaritea hoki, me te kīhini hou, pati papai me te papu wera anō hoki.
Me te rahinga papa o 63 m2 (mol) me te tapeke o ngā moni reti $940 ia wiki i tētahi whare ahurei, he haumi reti tino ātaahua hei whakaarotanga.
Whakamātauria tētahi taumata hou o te noho i te Lakewood Plaza kei te pokapū kaha o te Ara Tonga o Tāmaki. Ka tāraia anō e tēnei whare noho ahurei te noho tāone i te pokapū o Manukau.
He mematanga ki te karapu hauora kei te pae tukutuku tae atu ki te whare whakapakari tinana, kaukau roto. He hīkoi noa ki te pokapū kawe o Manukau (Teihana & Pahi), tata ki te AUT, Westfield me te ara nui.
Ka whakatakoto te Lakewood Plaza i tētahi paerewa hou mō ngā hapori poutū i te Ara Tonga o Tāmaki me Aotearoa whānui.
Kua mārama te tohutohu a ngā kaihoko, me hoko tēnei.
Tēnā, waea mai ki ahau i tēnei rā mō ētahi atu taipitopito.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson.
1108/8 Lakewood Court, Manukau, Manukau City, Auckland Two apartments-$940 Gross IncomeLooking for Luxury Dual key investment with great return? Look no further!
On offer two separated units, two potential incomes in one free hold title plus one undercover secure carpark. Hottest new trend in executive apartment living.
First unit is a one bedroom furnish apartment with expansive views, modern kitchen, luxury bathroom, balcony & heat pump for year around comfort.
Second one is a studio one bedroom furnish apartment with modern kitchen, luxury bathroom and heat pump too.
With floor area of 63 m2 (mol) and total rent income of $940 per week in a unique building, make it very attractive rental investment to consider.
Experience a new level of living at Lakewood Plaza situated in the dynamic hub of Auckland’s Southern Corridor. This unique apartment complex re-defines urban living in the Manukau central area.
Membership to the on-site health club including gym, indoor swimming. Within walking distance to the Manukau transport hub (Train & Buses), close to AUT ,Westfield and motorway.
Lakewood Plaza sets a new standard for vertical communities in Auckland’s Southern Corridor and in New Zealand.
Our vendors' instructions are clear, this one need to be sold.
Please call me today for more details.