Rāhui: 8-12 Te Ara Tūhura, Takapuna, Rāpare 20 Hui-tanguru 2025, 10:00 i te ata (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Ko tētahi mea e kore e huri – ko te wāhi tonu te kingi. Kei te tū tēnei rawa ki Mairangi Bay, he wāhi e kaha rapuhia ana mō tōna āhua takutai moana, ngā tātahi, ngā wharekai me ngā toa ahurei.
He kāinga hangaia ki te papa rākau huarere tēnei, e huna ana i te huarahi, i tētahi taiao tūmataiti, mārie hoki e tiaho ana te rā. Kei runga i ngā taumata e rua me ngā rūma moe 3 – 4, ko te rūma nui he wharepaku me te kākahu hīkoi. He wharepaku ā-whānau me tētahi wharepaku motuhake kei te rohe noho matua.
Ko te pokapū o te kāinga - te kīhini, te rūma noho ā-whānau me te rūma noho, he ngāwari te rere ki te wāhi whakangahau ā-waho e tiaho ana te rā, e ara atu ana hoki ki te māra tūmataiti. Kei te taumata runga he tari/ tari mahi tāpiri atu ki tētahi rohe noho nui tuarua, whakamahia rānei hei rūma moe anō.
He rua ngā wāhi tūnga waka me te urunga ā-roto. Ko ngā rohe kura ko te Kura o Mairangi Bay, te Kura Takawaenga o Murrays Bay, te Kāreti o Rangitoto me te Kāreti Kōhine o Westlake.
Kua rite ngā kaihoko ki te hoko, ā, e tatari ana kia puta tō hiahia.
Hono mai ki tā mātou whare tuwhera, waea mai rānei mō tētahi tirohanga motuhake.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
2/14 Matipo Road, Mairangi Bay, North Shore City, Auckland SERIOUSLY FOR SALE!One thing that never changes – location is always King. This property is situated in much sought after Mairangi Bay with its vibrant seaside lifestyle, beaches, cafes and boutique shops.
This home of cedar weatherboard construction is set well off the road in a sunny, quiet and private natural setting. Set on two levels with 3 – 4 bedrooms, the master has an ensuite and walkin wardrobe. There is a family bathroom and separate toilet located on the main living area.
The hub of the home - kitchen, family room and lounge provide an easy flow to the sunny alfresco entertaining area which also leads to the private garden setting. The upper level has a study/office plus a large second living area or utilise as an extra bedroom.
Garaging is double with internal entry. The school zones include Mairangi Bay School, Murrays Bay Intermediate, Rangitoto College and Westlake Girls’ College.
Our vendors have made the commitment to sell and now await your interest.
Join us at our open home or call for a private viewing.