I hangaia e te kaihoahoa o nāianei, ā, i oti te hanga i ngā tau 1980, he tauira tēnei whare o te tiaki tika, he whare raima kua oti te paninga me te tuanui kōhatu pāpā. He akoranga mō te wāhi me te rangimārie, i whakaritea hei kukume i ngā whānau mātanga, ka tuitui te kāinga i te puna kaukau o roto me ngā wāhi noho maha ki waho e pātata ana ki te whare nui e 613 mita tapawhā (tata). He tirohanga whakateraki e hopu ana i ngā tirohanga ataahua o te ākau me te Moutere o Pararekau i ia rūma.
Kua whakaritea te whare kia whai hua mai i ngā papa tarutaru pāka e hono ana i te kāinga ki te tahamoana, he pararaiha mā te hunga whakangahau me ōna hoahoa ā-roto i tohua mā te māpere, te rākau, ngā mata shoji me ngā matapihi whānui me ngā poraka karaihe mō te māramatanga tūturu. Ko ngā wāhi noho matua i te papa whenua ka horapa mai i te tomokanga whakahirahira e rua te teitei me te arawhata ataahua. Ka hono tika tēnei ki te pae kopiko i te kīhini gourmet, kei reira te rūma kai me te rūma penapena nui e tūtata ana. He rūma whānau motuhake, he rūma puoro me te wāhi noho nui me te wāhi kai mana nui kua whakamaheretia hei wāhi tuwhera, katoa e hono ana ki ngā wāhi o waho, te papa puna kaukau me ngā marae iti. E rua ngā rūma moenga rua kei te parirau hauāuru me ngā tirohanga ātaahua ki ngā māra, ia rūma me tōna ake wharepaku.
I te papa tuarua, ko te arawhata ka taea te whakamahi hei tari matua mō te kāinga, ā, e rua atu ngā rūma moenga nui e uru ana ki te paparanga, ā, he rūma kakahu me te wharepaku nui tā ia tangata. He wāhi nohoanga i te papa tuarunga e whai ana i ngā tirohanga rangatira, ā, he nui ngā wāhi rokiroki puta noa i te whare tae atu ki te uru waka ā-roto mō ngā waka e toru.
He whare mahi me te wāhi tari kei runga i tēnei whenua papai e 1.6 heketea te rahi e tata ana ki te moana, he pūtea whiwhi kei te tatari. E hokona ana mō te wā tuatahi i roto i ngā tau 40, kua tata ake te poraka tipu puāwai o mua ki ngā ratonga pēnei i te rori matua, ngā toa me ngā kura rangatira. He wāhi tū tēnei mā ngā kaitiaki hou hei tiaki i tēnei taiao motuhake, ā, mā ngā kaiwhakangao mātanga e rangahau ngā whiringa whanaketanga (me whai whakaaetanga kaunihera).
37 Island View Road, Karaka, Franklin, Auckland Timeless Architectural Legacy on the WaterDesigned by the current architect owner and with construction completed in the 1980s, this meticulously maintained rendered cement residence with slate tile roof is an object lesson in space and serenity. Curated to appeal to discerning families, the home integrates indoor swimming pool and multiple alfresco zones flanking the huge 613 sqm (approx.) homestead. A northerly aspect captures cinematic estuarine and Pararekau Island viewshafts from every room.
Oriented to maximise parklike lawns connecting home with water's edge, the residence is an entertainer's paradise with considered interior defined by marble, timber , shoji screens and expansive window and glass block glazing for natural light. Core living spaces on the ground floor spread out from a dramatic double height reception lobby with graceful staircase. This merges directly with a curvaceous benchtop in the gourmet kitchen where walk in pantry adjoins an airy dining area. A separate family room, music room and large living and open plan formal dining space all have raking ceilings and connect seamlessly to outdoor areas, pool terrace and intimate courtyards. Two double bedrooms in the west wing have divine garden outlooks and each with ensuite.
Upstairs, the landing would suit home office headquarters while two more presidential bedrooms access the balcony and have dressing room and roomy ensuite respectively. An eyrie retreat on the top floor boasts dress circle views and there's ample storage throughout along with internal access triple garaging.
A utility building with office space has income potential on this fertile and prolifically treed 1.6 hectare waterfront estate. Selling for the first time in 40 years the former flower growing block is now closer to amenities with main highway, shops and top schools nearby. Poised for new caretakers to honour this special environment, savvy investors could do their due diligence and explore development options (subject to council approval.)