Hokona Taima: 8 o Here-turi-kōkā 2024 (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
Kei te taha raki o te takutai ataahua, he mea whakamīharo tēnei whare hou o te ao hou, he uara nui, ā, he kanohi whakahirahira tōna ki te tiriti, tētahi o ngā rawa pai rawa atu kei te takutai o Scott Point!
Hei whare ake i hangaia e te kaihanga, he whare whānui whakamīharo tēnei me tētahi wāhi whiwhinga moni ture, ko te rahinga papa 328m2 me te kāinga kei runga i tētahi wāhanga 426m2 mō te rahi o te whānau, he nui te wāhi mō ngā hiahia katoa o tō whānau.
He maha ngā wāhi noho e tuku ana i te ngāwari me te manaaki i ngā whānau o ngā pakeke katoa, e 5 ngā rūma moenga, e 3 ngā wāhi noho, e 2 ngā kīhini, e 4 ngā wharepaku me tētahi wharepaku motuhake, he nui ngā wāhi rokiroki, me tētahi māra nui kua whakapaipaihia ki muri.
Ētahi o ngā āhuatanga motuhake:
He kāinga whakaritea me ngā otinga kounga me ngā taputapu papai puta noa me tētahi kīhini hāngai hou, ngā wharepaku papai, te whakamahana papa, te oumu me te waeine whakamahana hei whakarite i tō whakamarie puta noa i te tau.
He taumata noho, he ngahau, he momo uaua ki te kitea i ētahi atu wāhi, he hīkoi poto ki te Papa Hākinakina Tauwhiro tuatahi o Tāmaki Makaurau me te kura tuatahi rongonui o Scott Point mō ngā tamariki!
Ngā tirohanga me te watea, te hoahoa whai whakaaro me ngā otinga kounga, ka tirohia katoa ngā pouaka mō te moemoeā o tētahi whānau hou me tētahi moni reti anō!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
9 Tai Crescent, Hobsonville, Waitakere City, Auckland Price Drop ! Present any Offer !Nestled on the northern side of the idyllic coastline, this ultra modern sensation represents outstanding value and boasts an impressive street presence, one of the best properties on the Scott Point coast!
As a builder’s devoted own house, it provides a sensationally spacious home and legal income area, the gorgeous 328m2 floor area with home on a 426m2 family size section provides ample space for all your family's needs.
Multiple living areas offer versatility and cater to families of all ages and stages, featuring 5 bedrooms, 3 living areas, 2 kitchens, 4 bathrooms plus 1 separate toilet, ample storage space, and a large landscaped back garden.
Its special highlights are:
• A large open plan kitchen, dining & airy lounge seamlessly flow to the back yard.
• A large legal income area with separate water and power meter, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 dining and a lounge positioned perfectly for tenants' convenience with extra privacy.
• Upstairs, the wow factor large size Master bedroom enjoying its sea views.
• Plenty of parking area including double garage with extra parking spaces.
Customized home with quality finishing and luxurious fittings throughout with a modern chef's kitchen, luxurious bathrooms, underfloor heating, oven and air conditioning unit ensuring your comfort all year round.
This property offers a level of living leisure and style that is hard to find elsewhere, a short walk to Auckland's first Sustainable Sports Park as well as the sought after Scott Point Primary for young ones!
The views & convenience, the thoughtful design & quality finishing, tick all the boxes for a modern family’s dream with extra rental income!