Tēnei te whare pereki me te tīta o ngā tau 1980 kua oti te whakahou ake, mai i te tuanui ki te papa, ā, waho hoki, kua rite ināianei mōu me tō whānau kia noho mai, kia koa hoki. Kei te mutunga o tētahi ara te kāinga nei, kua hunaia atu i te rori, he wāhi marino, tūturu hoki me tētahi rākau Pohutukawa tawhito e whakarato ana i tētahi papamuri pono o Aotearoa.
Ngā āhuatanga:
• He nui te rūma noho manaaki o te whare me tētahi kīhini/rohe kai 'whakamahere tuwhera' e rua e tuwhera ana ki tētahi papa rā me te kari kua taiapa katoatia.
• He wharepaku anō me tētahi horoi wehe.
• Kei runga ake ngā rūma moe e toru, he nui, me tētahi wharepaku katoa.
• Kei te rangatira tōna ake papa rā e anga ana ki te raki - he tino pai mō tētahi kawhe i te ata.
• He nui te kāreti rua whakauru ā-roto
He tino pai te wāhi, e tata ana ki ngā toa, ki te Pāka o Cornwall, ki ngā ara matua, ā, kei roto i ngā rohe kura e rapuhia ana.
(Kaua e aro ki te CV) Kei te hiahia nui tō mātou rangatira ki te hoko, ā, ka tutuki i te mākete - kei te tatari tētahi kaupapa hou. He tūnga wātea, ā, kei te wātea ināianei!
Nau mai ngā kaihoko katoa!
3/1 Derry Street, Greenlane, Auckland City, Auckland Gorgeous, Affordable and 'As Good As New'!This gorgeous 1980's freestanding brick and cedar home has been recently renovated from top to toe /inside and out and is now ready for you and your family to just move in and enjoy. The home is down a drive, set well off the road and is peaceful and quiet with a 'centuries old' majestic Pohutukawa tree offering a true 'Kiwi' backdrop.
• The home offers a very spacious formal lounge and an 'open plan' kitchen/ dining area both opening out to a sunny deck and fully fenced garden.
• There is also another bathroom and separate laundry.
• Upstairs offers three spacious bedrooms with a full bathroom.
• The master has its own north facing deck - ideal for a morning coffee.
• A very large double internal access garage
The location is superb with close proximity to shops, Cornwall Park, motorways, and within sought after school zones.
(Disregard the CV) Our owner is motivated to sell and will meet the market - another project is waiting. Vacant possession and available now!
All agents welcome!