Rā Katinga o te Hokonga: Paraire, te 27 o Mahuru, i te 3 i te ahiahi.
Kua whakaaetia te raihana rauemi, te raihana hanga me te EPA mō tētahi kaupapa whare rima kei tētahi pae papatahi i tētahi ara e kimi nuitia ana kei te rohe o Glendene rāua ko Te Atatu ki te Tonga, me ngā kāinga whānau kounga kua whakatūria kei ōna taha tata tonu.
Kua tino whakapau kaha te kaihoko ki te whakarite i tēnei kaupapa hei mea ngāwari, tika hoki ka taea te whakatinana tonutia - e tino tukuna ana e ia ēnei katoa ki te rangatira hou hei kotinga mōna.
Kua tino pukumahi te kaihoko, ā, kua mārama ngā tohutohu ki a mātou kia hoko - Kua rite rātou ki te ngau i te pūroi me te neke whakamua.
He raweke kore tēnei rawa, he kaihoko mātau - ahakoa he haumi pāhekoheko, he kaiwhakawhanake tuatahi, he kaiwhakawhanake mātanga rānei, he kaitātari mātanga, ka kitea tonutia e ia te uara me te pūmanawa o tēnei.
Ka tūtohutia te tirotiro wawe, i te mea kua arotahi ngā kaihoko ki te hoko.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi kei Barfoot & Thompson
8 Jenelin Road, Glendene, Waitakere City, Auckland EPA, RC & BC APPROVEDResource consent, building consent and EPA approved for a five house project on a level site in a sought after street on the border of Glendene and Te Atatu South with established quality family homes in its immediate surroundings.
The vendor has invested a lot of time and resources to set up this project as an easy straightforward one which could be implemented immediately - literally handing all this over to the new owner on a platter to reap rich rewards.
The over committed vendor has given us clear instructions to sell - They are prepared to bite the bullet and move on.
This property is an absolute no-brainer, an astute buyer - be it a passive investor, first-time or experienced developer and a seasoned speculator will surely see the value and potential in this.
Early inspection is recommended as the vendors are focussed to sell.