Tāuru Rapu...
115 Line Road, Glen Innes, Auckland City, 0 rūma, 0 rūma horoi, Retail Property

Whakapā atu ki te kaiwhakarato

115 Line Road, Glen Innes, Auckland City

Retail PropertyWā rārangi 09-13 00:00

Glen Innes Tāpiri-Uara Haumi me te Taha Whanaketanga

E tū ana i te kokonga rongonui o te pokapū tāone o Glen Innes, he mea motuhake te 115 Line Road mō te whai wāhitanga ki te tāpiri uara me te pūmanawa whanaketanga nui.

E noho ana i te papa whenua korehere 1,985sqm, kei te tuku tēnei rawa i te moni whiwhi poto-wā mai i ngā rīhi e whā, tae atu ki ngā rēti rongonui pērā i te G.A.S Petrol Station me Eastern Auto Electrical. Ka kitea e ngā kaiwhakawhanake he pūmanawa nui ki konei, nā te iti o te hipoki o te papa me te tautuhinga o te rohe pakihi-pokapū tāone e tino pai ana mō te whakahou me ngā kaupapa ā muri ake nei. Hei tāpiri, he āheinga nui mō ngā kaiwhakawhanake uara ki te whakapai ake i ngā tikanga rīhi me te whakatipu i tā rātou haumi.

He ngāwari te urunga atu ki te 115 Line Road mā te Apirana Avenue, e hono ana ki ngā takiwā e pātata ana pērā i a Mt. Wellington, Panmure, St Johns, me Saint Heliers. E 250m anake te hīkoi mai i te Teihana Rerewē o Glen Innes, e tuku ana i ngā huarahi tika ki te CBD o Ākarana. Kua kitea te tipu nui o te rohe nā ngā kaupapa pērā i te kaupapa AMETI me te Hōtaka Whakahou i a Tamaki, e huri ana i a Glen Innes hei pokapū hokohoko whai kaha me ngā whanaketanga haere tonu me ngā mea tata nei.

Me ngā kōwhiringa e tika ana mō ngā kaiwhakawhanake uara me ngā kaiwhakawhanake, kei te wātea tēnei āheinga motuhake mā te Tiriti Tūmataiti Whakamutunga me ngā tuku e tika ana i te 4pm o te Wenerei, te 16 o Oketopa 2024 (ki te kore e hokona i mua).

Kaua e ngaro te wāhi ki te haumi ki tētahi rawa me te āheinga pēnei - whakapā atu ki ngā kaihoko motuhake i tēnei rā! Āhuatanga:

* Papa whenua korehere 1,985sqm i te kokonga me te tirohanga whakamīharo

* Wāhanga papatahi me te hipoki papa iti me te uara whenua nui kei raro

* Rēti e haere ana o $182,947 ia tau + GST + OPEX me te pikinga rēti nui

* Rohe Pakihi - Pokapū Tāone me te uhi hanga 32.5m te teitei

* Wāhi tipu nui me ngā whanaketanga hou maha kua oti, kei te tata rānei te otinga

* He tata ki te Teihana Rerewē o Glen Innes, AMETI Urban Busway me ngā ara nui pērā i te Apirana Avenue

115 Line Road, Glen Innes, Auckland City Add-Value Investment with Development Upside

Strategically positioned on a prominent corner site in Glen Innes' Town Centre, 115 Line Road offers a rare add-value opportunity with significant development potential.


Occupying a 1,985sqm freehold site, this property offers immediate short-term income from four leases, including notable tenants, G.A.S Petrol Station and Eastern Auto Electrical. Developers will find significant potential here, as the site’s low coverage and Business-Town Centre zoning make it ideal for redevelopment and future projects. Additionally, there is a considerable opportunity for add-value investors to improve the rental terms and maximise their investment.


115 Line Road is conveniently accessible via Apirana Avenue, connecting to the surrounding suburbs of Mt. Wellington, Panmure, St Johns, and Saint Heliers. It’s also just a 250m walk from Glen Innes Train Station, which offers direct routes to Auckland CBD. The area has seen substantial growth due to initiatives like the AMETI project and Tamaki Regeneration Programme, transforming Glen Innes into a vibrant retail hub with ongoing and recent developments.


With options to suit both add-value investors and developers, this rare opportunity is available via Deadline Private Treaty with offers due 4pm Wednesday 16th October 2024 (unless sold prior).


Don't miss a chance to invest in a property with scalability like this - contact the sole agents today!


* 1,985sqm Freehold corner site with fantastic profile

* Flat section with low site coverage and huge underlying land value

* Indicative Market Income of circa $240,755 p.a. + GST with Passing rental of $182,947 p.a + GST

* Business - Town Centre Zone with a 32.5m build height overlay

* Significant growth location with multiple new developments completed or nearing completion

* Close proximity to Glen Innes Train Station, AMETI Urban Busway and key arterial routes such as Apirana Avenue

Ngā Wāhi

Ngā pūkenga huri noa

Line Road Poraka me nga raraunga a tawhio noa


Ngā Mea e Pai Ana Koe

Waehere Whare:67030693Wā Whakahou Mutunga:2025-02-19 08:46:06