Tāpaetanga: Ka kati ā te Wenerei te 11 o Hepetema 2024 i te 9:30 i te ata (ki te kore e hokona i mua)
6843sqm (neke atu, iti iho rānei) He papa whenua nui kore here, kei te wāhi noho matua, he tino kitea, kei raro i te Takiwā Whare Maha Rauwiringa Taone.
Mā ngā kaihoko haumi e pupuri ai hei pēke whenua mō te wā roa, mā ngā kaiwhakawhanake rānei e tono ai mō te Whakaaetanga Rauemi Wehewehe ka tīmata i tēnei kaupapa nui i tēnei mākete wera.
He tata ki ngā toa ā-rohe, ngā wharekai, ngā waka tūmatanui me ngā kura. He meneti taraiwa ki te toa hokomaha me te pokapū o te taone. He mea ngaro tēnei whai wāhitanga. Waea mai ki a mātou i tēnei rā mō ētahi atu mōhiohio!
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
6A Shetland Street, Glen Eden, Waitakere City, Auckland Golden Ticket to Fortune!6843sqm (more or less) Large freehold site, high profile central residential location, zoned under Mixed Housing Suburban Zone.
For investors to hold long term landbanking, or for developers to apply for the Subdivision Resource Consent and start this essential project in this hot market.
Close to local shops, cafes, public transport and schools. Minutes drive to the supermarket and town centre. This is an opportunity not to be missed. Call us today for more information!