I roto i tēnei whare taone whānui e mīharo ana, kei te tiriti mārie o 'Toplands'. He ataahua, he huatau hoki tēnei whare e tino pai ana te āhua, e tuku ana i te noho āhua-kore tiaki.
Ko te whare e rua ngā papa, he nui ngā wāhi noho me ngā rūma moe e toru me ngā wharepaku e rua kei te papa tuarua, i te mea kei raro ko te wāhi noho me te kai tahi he whānui, he hoahoa hoki, he kīhini kaihoahoa me te pae pūmahara me ngā taputapu kounga. Kei reira hoki tētahi tari nui 'nook' / tari rānei, he wāhi tākaro mā ngā tamariki me tētahi rūma paura i raro.
He māra ngāwari te tiaki kei mua i te whare me tētahi marae iti kei muri e tāpiri ana ki te ātaahua o tēnei kāinga ataahua. He kuaha haumarutia ki mua, ki muri hoki.
Kei te tata ki ngā kura o Mission Heights, te pāka o Sir Barry Curtis, ngā pahi me te uru ngāwari ki ngā wharekai, toa me ngā wharenga i Botany Junction me Botany Town Centre e tata ana.
Kia tere, kaua e ngaro!
Waea mai ki a mātou i tēnei rā ki te whakarite i tō tirotiro motuhake, tirohia rānei ō mātou whare tuwhera.
52 Topland Drive, Flat Bush, Manukau City, Auckland Spacious low maintenance home in top locationThis impeccably presented spacious townhouse situated in a quiet, sought after street in 'Toplands' offers so much more than meets the eye. With its location on the fringe of MISSION HEIGHTS suburb, and in Zone for Mission Heights Junior College , and walking distance to Sir Barry Curtis park, and close to all the facilities at nearby Botany Junction and Botany Town Centre makes this an easy buying decision! Smart and stylish this delightful, pristine condition property offers low maintenance living. Only one owner since new !
The two-level home offers spacious accommodation with 3 bedrooms and two bathrooms on the upper level, whilst downstairs comprises a gorgeous spacious open plan living and dining area, designer kitchen with stone bench top and quality appliances. There is also a large study 'nook' / office area or a space for the children to play plus a downstairs powder room. The other special bonus with this home is the super large double garage with internal access - a rarity with a lot of the new developments in Flat Bush.
Easy care gardens to the front of the property and small courtyard to the rear add to the appeal of this gorgeous home. Securely gated both front and rear.
Call us today to arrange your private inspection or visit our open homes. All agents welcome