Mēnā e rapu ana koe i te wāhi mō tō whānau katoa, kei tēnei kāinga ngā rūma moe e rima me ngā wharepaku e toru, ā, mā tēnei ka ngāwari ake te noho mā te katoa, kāore hoki he mahi hei mahi i konei me te peita hou me te whāriki hou.
E tū whakahīhī ana tēnei kāinga, ā, kei a ia tētahi wāhi noho tuwhera me te kīhini hou e rere ana ki te papatākaro. I te papa o raro, ka kitea he papatākaro anō me te māra iti tūmataiti.
He ngāwari te tiaki, ā, he wāhi nui hei hora i a koe, koinei te mea e rapuhia ana e ngā whānau nui, ā, tērā pea ka kitea e koe he uara nui mō tō moni i konei.
Kei te wāhi tata ki te rohe hokohoko me te tauhokohoko o Manukau, me te urunga ngāwari ki te ara nui mō te haere ki te tāone.
Kei te wātea tēnei rawa, ā, kua pouri ō mātou kaihoko ki te wehe i tēnei kāinga e arohaina ana, engari koinei tō wāhi ki te tiro me te mīharo, e hīkaka ana mātou ki te kite i a koe i ō mātou whare tuwhera, waea atu rānei ki te rōpū mō ētahi atu mōhiohio.
Hokonga ā-tāpaetanga 11 Huitanguru 2025 (ki te kore e hokona i mua).
41 Adamson Road, Flat Bush, Manukau City, Auckland Standing ProudIf you need space for all your family this home offers five bedrooms and three bathrooms, plus a guest powder room...now that makes life easier for everyone and nothing to be done here with fresh paint and new carpet.
This home stands proud and offers an open plan living area with modern kitchen flowing to the deck looking across the sparkling urban lights in the evenings. On the lower level you will find a further deck and private courtyard from the second living room.
Easy care and room to spread out is what every large family is after and here you may just find that you get more bang for your buck.
Located handy to Manukau shopping and commercial area also with easy access to the motorway for commuting to the city.
This property is vacant and our sellers are sad to see this much loved home go but this is your opportunity to view and be impressed, we look forward to seeing you at our open homes or call the team for more information.
Auction 11 February 2025 (unless sold prior)