Kua tae mai he wāhi kotahi i te oranga! I whakaarohia tuatahitia hei tūāpapa mo te kāinga moemoeā mō tētahi whānau, kua wātea ināianei tēnei poraka whenua motuhake 2 Ha hei whakatinana i ō moemoeā rawa tūturu. Kei te takoto te whenua nei i tētahi taiao marino, tawhiti atu i te hōhonutanga me te pōharatanga o te tāone, ā, kī tonu i te pūmanawa me ngā āheinga.
Me te tohu whenua ā-Apōpō, ko te whiringa kei a koe - hangaia tō kāinga tino pai, nekehia tētahi whare o nāianei, kē rānei wehea hei whakangao. Koinei tō wāhi ki te whai pīece whenua pararaiha me te waihanga i te āhua noho kua roa koe e moemoeā nei.
Ko te watea me te mārie e tūtaki ana me te hiko me te muka kei te rori, he mea ngāwari te tukanga hanga. E tata ana ki te huarahi poto 15 meneti te taraiwa atu i te Albany Mall me te Pokapū Taone, tae atu ki Silverdale, ka koa koe ki ngā painga o ngā ao e rua kei tō tatau.
Kia tere te mahi, hopukia tēnei whai wāhitanga whakamīharo i mua i tōna ngarohanga. Tukua tō whakaaro kia rere noa me te whakamahi i te kaha katoa o tēnei rawa tino mīharo. Waea mai ki a mātou kia whiwhi kōrero anō.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i runga i Barfoot & Thompson
20 Follies Way, Dairy Flat, Rodney, Auckland Lifestyle and PotentialIntroducing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Originally envisioned as the perfect setting for a dream family home, this expansive 2 Ha freehold section is now available for you to turn your real estate dreams into reality. Nestled in a serene environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city, this bare land property is brimming with potential and possibilities.
With Future Urban zoning, the choice is yours. This is your chance to own a slice of paradise and create the lifestyle you've always dreamed of.
Convenience meets tranquility with on-road power and fibre, making the building process a breeze. Located just a short 15-minute drive from Albany Mall and Town Centre, as well as Silverdale, you'll enjoy the best of both worlds right at your doorstep.
Act fast and seize this incredible opportunity before it's gone. Let your imagination run wild and unlock the full potential of this remarkable property. Call us and have more information.