Tirohia tēnei whare tīmatanga pai me te iti o te tiaki me te pātītī ngāwari te tiaki, i hangaia mā te whakaaro ki te kounga, he mea hanga tēnei whare ki ngā rauemi hou, roa hoki. Ahakoa he hoko whare, he haumi rānei, he tino pai tēnei whare māu! Kaua e ngaro i tēnei whai wāhitanga!
• He whare toru rūma moe i hangaia i te tau 2018, kei runga i te whenua 403m2 he taitara tūturu.
• He kāreti nui me tētahi rūma rūmaki me te wāhi tārua waka, he pai mō te rokiroki me te wāhi waka.
• He wāhi noho tuwhera, he wāhi kai, he kīhini hoki, me te papu wera me te pūnaha DVS.
• He rere ngāwari ki te wāhi papatahi me te pātītī, kua oti te taiapa, he tino pai mō ngā tamariki me ngā mōkai.
• E 5 tau noa iho te pakeke o te whare, i hangaia ki ngā papa Metra mō ngā pakitara o roto mō te roa me te kaha, he matapihi rua-rua katoa.
Kei te pokapū o Clover Park tēnei whare, e tata ana ki te ara whakawhiti motokā, he 10 meneti te taraiwa ki Manukau Central me Ormiston Town Center mō ō hiahia hokohoko me te whakangahau. He hīkoi poto ki Dissmeyer Park me te taraiwa poto ki Sir Barry Curtis Park. Mēnā he mea nui te wāhi, koinei te whare mōu. Kei te hiahia nui ngā rangatira ki te hoko, he haumi pūmau mō rātou, ā, kua tae ki tō wā ki te whai hua mai i tēnei whare ngāwari te tiaki. Mēnā he kaihoko whare tuatahi koe, he kaituku moni rānei, me mātakitaki tēnei, nō reira waea atu ki a Team Cathy Mei INAIANEI!!
Cathy Mei 021 314 366 (Ingarihi, Cantonese, Mandarin)
Sam Kim 021 126 9563 (Ingarihi, Cambodian)
Krish Chand 021 025 00926 (Ingarihi, Hindi)
TĒNĀ TĀTAI: I whiwhi ngā rahi o te papa me te whenua i ngā pūtake pērā i a RPNZ, ngā tuhinga a te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau (LIM). Kāore i ineia e te Kaihoko, e City South Investments 2019 Ltd. Ka tūtohu mātou kia rapu koe i tō ake tohutohu ture motuhake mēnā he mea nui ēnei rahi ki tō whakatau hoko.
9A Lema Place, Clover Park, Manukau City, Auckland Great First Home Or Investment In Cul-De-SacTake a look at this FREEHOLD entry-level home with low maintenance and an easy-care yard, purpose built with quality in mind, this home is constructed with modern and durable materials. Whether it is a home buy or investment, this home is ideal for you! Don't miss out!
• Three bedrooms home built in 2018, sitting on a 403m2 of fee simple title.
• Large garage plus rumpus room and double carport, great for storage and car accommodation.
• Nice open plan living, dining and kitchen area, with heat pump and DVS system.
• Easy flow to decking area and yard, fully fenced perfect for kids and pets.
• The house is only 5 years old and built with Metra panels for the interior walls for durability and strength, all double-glazed windows.
Located in the heart of Clover Park, this home is near the motorway onramp, a 10-minute drive to Manukau Central and Ormiston Town Center for your shopping and entertainment needs. Walking distance to Dissmeyer Park and a short drive to Sir Barry Curtis Park. If location is key then this is the home for you. Owners are motivated to sell, has been a solid investment for them and now it your turn to reap the reward on this easy care home. Call Team Cathy Mei NOW!
Cathy Mei 021 314 366 (English, Cantonese, Mandarin)
Sam Kim 021 126 9563 (English, Cambodian)
PLEASE NOTE: Specified floor and land area sizes have been obtained from sources such as RPNZ or Auckland Council (LIM) documents. They have not been measured by the Salesperson or City South Investments 2019 Ltd. We recommend you seek your own independent legal advice if these sizes are material to your purchasing decision.