Premium Real Estate Limited (arumoni), e koa ana ki te tono tuku mō te 459 Roscommon Road, Clendon Park, Manurewa, Auckland i runga i te tukanga 'Utu mā te Whiriwhiri' ngaro. He wāhanga te rawa nei nō te Pokapū Hoko o Clendon i hangaia ai i ngā wāhanga mai i te tīmatanga o ngā tau 1980 ki ngā tau tōmua o te 2000, kei runga i tētahi papa whenua Fee Simple (taitara tūturu) 2.2678 heketea (neke atu, iti iho rānei) me te tohu whenua ko te Pakihi - Pokapū ā-Rohe i raro i te Mahere Kotahitanga o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ko ngā whakapainga kei te whakarato i tētahi ranunga o ngā toa hokohoko i te papa whenua me ngā tari i te papa tuarua, e hora ana i te 3,700 mita tapawha, tae atu ki tētahi wāhi nui mō te waka tūnga. E tūmanakohia ana ka kukume tēnei whai wāhitanga i ngā kaihoko e hiahia ana ki te whakamahi i te pūmanawa whanaketanga whakaranu nui (arumoni/noho) o te whenua kei raro (me whai whakaaetanga ture), i te wā e whai hua ana i ngā moni reti nui e tukuna ana e ngā riihi 'wehewehe mōrearea' hei āwhina i ngā utu pupuri.
Whakapā atu ki te kaihoko i tēnei rā mō tētahi Puka Whakamārama me tīmata tō Tirohanga Matatapu.
* ko te utu hoko ka 'tae atu ki te GST mena he mea'
Premium Real Estate Limited (commercial), is pleased to invite offers for 459 Roscommon Road, Clendon Park, Manurewa, Auckland on a confidential 'Price by Negotiation' basis.
The property forms part of the Clendon Shopping Centre constructed in stages from the early 1980's through to the early 2000's and contained on a Fee Simple (freehold) 2.2678 (more or less) hectare site and zoned Business - Local Centre under the Auckland Unitary Plan.
The improvements provide a mixture of ground floor retail and first floor office accommodation spread over approximately 3,700sqm along with a significant carpark area.
It is anticipated that this opportunity will appeal to buyers seeking to unlock the strong mixed use (commercial/residential) development potential of the underlying land (subject to regulatory approval), while in the meantime benefiting from the significant rental income afforded by the multiple 'split risk' tenancies to help offset holding costs.
Contact the agent today for an Information Memorandum and begin your Due Diligence.
* selling price to be 'plus GST if any'