I hangaia i ngā tau 1970, he pai tēnei hei kāinga raka ka haere - he mea whakamana ki ngā mātua kua pahemo ō rātou tamariki, ki ngā ngaio pukumahi hoki. Kei te pito tūmataiti o te ara tika, he tirohanga whakahirahira ki Rangitoto me te tāone, ā, e tata ana ki ngā toa, ngā waka tūmatanui me te rohe kura o Westlake High School. Kua whakahoutia tata nei, ko te hoahoa tuwhera me te kīhini, te kai me te wāhi noho e tuwhera ana ki waho ki tētahi papa rahi me tētahi māra ngāwari te tiaki, he tino taurite mō te manaaki whānau me ngā hoa. Kei te papa tuarua te rua rūma moe me tētahi wharepaku, ā, haere iho ki raro ki te tomokanga matua me te rūma moe tuatoru me tētahi wharepaku. He karāti rua me te urunga o roto me ngā wāhi tūnga waka i te tiriti. He hoko utu whaihua - nō reira me tino tāpiri tēnei kāinga ki te rārangi tirotiro ā-koe.
He mākete, 128 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna i te Rāpare te 26 o Mahuru i te 12 i te poutū-te-rangi (Ki Mua Atu i Te Hokonga)
Hei tirohanga, hei tikiake rānei i ngā kōnae rawa tēnā koa haere ki: https://www.harcourtsfiles.co.nz/listings/5S8C
2/23 Parr Terrace, Castor Bay, North Shore City, Auckland When Views CountALL OFFERS OVER $1,450,000
Built in the 1970s, this rendered brick and cedar home is a great lockup and leave - appealing to empty nesters or busy professionals. Nestled up a private right of way with great views of Rangitoto and the city, and in close proximity to shops, transport and Westlake High School zone. Recently refurbished the open plan design with the kitchen, dining and living area opening outdoors to a full deck with a private easy-care garden, is absolutely perfect for entertaining family and friends. The upper main level comprises of two bedrooms and a bathroom and venture downstairs to the main entrance and the third bedroom with ensuite. A double internal access garage plus off-street parking. Affordable buying - so make sure you put this home on top of your inspection list.
To view or download property files please go to: https://www.harcourtsfiles.co.nz/listings/5S8C