Tender: Ka kati ā te Wenerei te 20 o Whiringa-ā-rangi 2024 i te 4:00PM
I takoto te hiahia o te kaipupuri whare ki te hanga whare e toru: kotahi māna ake, ā, ko ērā atu hei whare rēti, hei whakapiki i te uara whakapaipai ā muri ake nei nā te pai o te wāhi. Heoi, nā tētahi panonitanga o ngā āhuatanga, kua whakaputaina ināianei te rawa nei ki te mākete. E 614 mita pūrua te rahi o te whenua, ā, kei roto i ngā mahere ngā whare tuatoru e toru. I mua i te rā whakataunga, ka tukuna e te kaipupuri whare te Whakaaetanga Rauemi (RC), te Whakaaetanga Hanga Whare (BC), me te Whakaaetanga Mahere Pūkaha (EPA).
Kei te karapotia tēnei rohe e ngā kura rangatira, e whai ana kia whiwhi ō tamariki i te mātauranga kounga teitei. Ka pārekareka ki a koe te wātea ki te hīkoi ki te Pokapū Hoko o Midland me te ngāwari o te uru atu ki te Pokapū Hoko o Botany. E takoto ana i tētahi takiwā marino, whakamarie hoki, he taiao tino pai tēnei rawa mō tō kāinga ā muri ake nei.
Anō hoki, kei te huaki te rangatira ki te whakaae ki tētahi whakataunga roa, e tuku ana i te ngāwari me te wātea mōu. Me ēnei painga katoa, he mea whakahirahira tēnei whai wāhitanga whanaketanga e kore e taea te ngaro.
Tirohia tēnei rārangi i Barfoot & Thompson
26 Orinda Close, Botany Downs, Manukau City, Auckland Exceptional Development OpportunityThe homeowner initially intended to build three houses: one for personal use and the other two for rental, aiming to secure better capital gains in the future due to the prime location. However, due to a change in circumstances, the property is now on the market. The land spans 614 sqm and includes plans for three free-standing houses. The homeowner will provide Resource Consent (RC) and Engineering Plan Approval (EPA) prior to settlement, with the option to negotiate for approved Building Consent (BC) with the vendor.
This desirable area is surrounded by prestigious schools, ensuring your children receive a top-quality education. You’ll appreciate the convenience of being able to walk to Midland Shopping Center and enjoy easy access to Botany Shopping Center. Nestled in a peaceful and comfortable neighborhood, this property offers the perfect environment for your future home.
Additionally, the owner is open to a long settlement, providing you with flexibility and convenience. With all these advantages, this represents an exceptional development opportunity that you won’t want to miss.