37 Hawke Crescent ehara i te wāhi noa; he oati, he whai wāhitanga ki te waihanga i tō ake piringa ki runga i te 8296 mita tapawha o te whenua papatahi kei te tahamoana - he whai wāhitanga tino onge. Ahakoa e rapu ana koe i tētahi wāhi haumaru mō te whānau, he whai wāhitanga whanaketanga, he ranunga rānei o ēnei, he tono tēnei e tika ana kia whai whakaaro koe. Me te wātea anō o te waka rererangi o Pine Harbour e whakarite ana i ngā hononga auau ki te pokapū o Tāmaki Makaurau mō te pakihi, mō te ngahau rānei, kua whiwhi te wāhi nei i tōna mana hei wāhi tino pai.
Me ara ake ki te rangi o ngā ngaru e pā ana ki tō takutai one me te ara takitahi ki tō ake takutai. Ko ngā tika riparian katoa e tuku ana i tētahi tirohanga raki e anga ana ki te 270-tohu - he horizonte mutunga kore mō tō auahatanga ia rā. Neke atu i te onepū, ko ngā mahi hoe waka, tere waka, me te hī ika kei tō tatau.
Engari, he nui atu i te wāhi whakangā tēnei mahinga tahamoana - kei roto i ōna hau te kōrero mō te pūmanawa kāore e taea te whakakahore. Wehea, whakapuaki i tō roto hoahoa, kia koa rānei ki te whānuitanga o te herekore, he kānawehi mō te noho nui - he tuku ihotanga hei hanga.
I hangaia i ngā tau 1980 me te ngākau o ngā kaihokohoko rākau, he tohu tēnei whare nō te toi hanga roa, e whakaatu ana i ngā mahi whakairo rākau Kauri o Aotearoa, he mea onge ki ngā whare hou. Ko te mahere papa whānui me te hanga kirikiri i runga i te pereki e tuku ana i te whakamarie mō ngā whakahoutanga ā muri ake nei, mehemea ko tāu tērā e hiahia ana.
Kei te kāinga o Beachlands ngā toa, te pokapū hauora, te toa nui me ngā wharekai, ā, e 20 meneti te taraiwa ki te pokapū hokohoko o Botany. Kei te tata anō te Akoranga Korowha o Formosa e 18 ngā rua o te kounga ngaio me te Marina o Pine Harbour me ōna whare heri waka o te ao, e rua e taea te hīkoi. E 35 meneti te taraiwa ki te Taunga Rererangi o Tāmaki Makaurau.
Waea atu ki a Karen mō te whakarite wā ki te tiro i te whare.
37 Hawke Crescent, Beachlands, Manukau City, Auckland Private Beachlands, Auckland Peninsular37 Hawke Crescent is more than an address; it's a promise - an opportunity to craft your own haven on 8296 sq m of flat oceanfront land - an opportunity beyond rarity. Whether you are seeking a family sanctuary, potential development opportunity, or a blend of both, this is a proposition that demands your consideration. With the added convenience of Pine Harbour ferry ensuring regular connections to Auckland CBD for both business or pleasure, the location earns its status as superb.
Wake up to the melody of waves caressing your sandy shore with private access steps to your very own beachfront. Full riparian rights offer a privileged north facing 270-degree vista - an endless horizon for your daily muse. Extending beyond the sand, kayaking, sailing, and fishing are all options at your doorstep.
Yet, this oceanfront masterpiece offers more than leisure - it holds the whispers of undeniable potential. Subdivide, unleash your inner architect, or revel in the sprawling freedom, a canvas for living grand - a legacy to build upon.
Crafted in the 1980s with the heart of timber merchants, this residence is a testament to enduring craftsmanship, featuring New Zealand's finest Kauri woodwork, a rare find in modern homes. The generous floor plan and plaster over brick construction offer comfort for future renovations, should that be your wish.
Beachlands village offers shops, a medical centre, a supermarket and cafes, while 20 minutes (approx.) drive lies the Botany shopping complex. Nearby Formosa Golf Course provides 18 holes of professional grade golf and Pine Harbour Marina with world class marina facilities are both within walking distance. Auckland Airport is 35 minutes (approx.) drive.
Call Karen for appointment to view.