Kāore e kore, he onge ngā whare pāpāho rākau o tēnei rahi ka puta ki te mākete.
Mēnā i taea e ēnei pakitara te kōrero, ka kōrerotia e rātou ngā kōrero mō ngā tau e 39 o te aroha, te kata, me ngā whakatipuranga o ngā maharatanga hari o te whānau.
Kei runga i tētahi wāhanga whenua tūturu, papatahi, 670sqm kua taiapa katoatia, ā, kei reira hoki tētahi puna kaukau hei paihikara māu i tēnei raumati!
I te tau 1995, i hangaia tētahi toronga nui, ā, nā konā i puta mai he whare 190 sqm, e 4 ngā rūma moenga, he rūma nui mō ngā tākaro/rua o ngā rūma noho, tētahi wāhi tari, me tētahi atu wharepaku rahi mō te whānau. He kōwhiringa tino pai mō te whānau whānui, ngā hoa noho tahi, ngā taiohi, ngā kōwhiringa mahi i te kāinga, tētahi whānau rānei e rapu ana i tētahi kāinga me te wāhi anō hei tipu.
I runga, ka rere te papa tāroaroa nui ki te raki mai i te rūma kai rahi mō te whānau me te rūma noho motuhake, ā, kei reira hoki tētahi ahi wahie.
Kei roto i te rūma moenga matua tētahi kakahu-nui me te wāhi marino tawhiti atu i te wāhi noho.
Me te nui o te wāhi e wātea ana, ko te Kirihimete e whai ake nei ka tū ki tō whare! Mātakitaki i ngā tamariki e tākaro haumaru ana i te puna kaukau me te marae taiapa katoa mai i te papa, i a koe e mawhiti ana i te rā i raro i te māramatanga takawhita o te Rākau Ōkai, i a koe e mātakitaki ana i te Tui o te rohe e takaro ana.
Ko te whakakotahitanga o te karaihe rua wāhanga, x2 ngā papu wera, tētahi pūnaha hauhautanga, me te whakamahana katoa ka hanga i tēnei hei kāinga hari, hauora.
Kei te hono te kīhini mahi ki te hau matua mō ō hiahia tunu kai, engari ko ngā BBQ ki runga i te papa ka noho hei kōwhiringa 'haere ki' mō tēnei raumati.
He maha ngā wāhi rokiroki e tukuna ana ki konei, i tēnei kāinga tino tiakina.
Me tētahi karāti haumaru, tētahi whakaruruhau waka anō hoki me te tūnga waka i te tiriti, he wāhi mō ō tāonga katoa!
Kei runga i tētahi huarahi pai mō ngā whānau, ā, kei te karapotia e ngā hoa noho whakamīharo. He hīkoi poto koe ki te mutunga o te tiriti me te papa rongonui o Shepherd's Park. He pai ngā kōwhiringa waka tūmatanui me ngā toa kei tata anō hoki.
Mokamoka 11:00am, Rāapa 5 o Hui-tanguru 2025 I Roto, Ray White Glenfield, Glenfield Mall (ki te kore e hokona i mua). Ka taea e koe te mātakitaki i te mokamoka ora i konei https://rwcarpenterrealty.co.nz/watch-our-auctions-live
3 Melba Street, Beach Haven, North Shore City, Auckland When Size Matters!Seldom do wooden weatherboard bungalows of this size come to the market.
If these walls could talk they would tell you tales of 39 years of love, laughter, and generations of happy family memories.
Set on a fully fenced, flat 670sqm freehold section, complete with a pool to be enjoyed this summer!
A large extension in 1995 made way for (what is now) a 190 sqm, 4 bedroom home, complete with huge rumpus/2nd lounge, office space, and a second family-sized bathroom. The perfect option for extended family, flatmates, teenagers, work-from-home options, or a family looking for a home with extra space to grow into.
Upstairs the generous, elevated, north-facing deck spills out from the family-sized dining room and separate lounge complete with a wood-burning fireplace.
The master bedroom includes a large walk-in robe and is a quiet oasis set well away from the living space.
With so much space on offer next Christmas will be at your house! Watch the kids play safely in the pool and the fully fenced backyard from the deck while you escape the sun under the dappled light of the Oak Tree while watching the local Tui frolic.
The combination of partial double glazing, x2 heat pumps, a ventilation system, and full insulation makes this a happy, healthy home.
The functional kitchen is connected to mains gas for your cooking needs, but BBQs on the deck will be your 'go-to' option this summer.
Storage galore is on offer here, in this exceptionally well-maintained home.
With a secure garage, plus a carport and off-street parking, there is room for all your toys!
Set on a family-friendly street and surrounded by amazing neighbours. You're a short stroll to the end of the street and the phenomenal Shepherd's Park. Great public transport options and shops are all nearby too.
Auction 11:00am, Wednesday 5th February 2025 In Rooms, Ray White Glenfield, Glenfield Mall (unless sold prior). You can watch the auction live here https://rwcarpenterrealty.co.nz/watch-our-auctions-live