E huna ana i te mutunga o tētahi ara taraiwa roa e tohaina ana, kei muri tawhiti mai i te rori, tēnei rawa kore here 509 sqm (tata.) e ripeka ana i te pūmanawa mō ngā kaihoko mātau me ngā whānau e kite ana i ngā āheinga. Ko te whare nui e rua ngā papa, 239 sqm (tata.) he mea hanga ki te papa o te rangi, kua riihitia ināianei, e hoki mai ana i te $1050 ia wiki, ā, kei te wātea te aromatawai riihi o nāianei mā te tono. Kua tawhito te whare nō te hanganga i ngā tau whakamutunga o te 1990, ā, kei roto i ētahi whakarerekētanga kāore i whakaaetia, engari he pai te whakapau kaha ki te whakatika i ēnei mea me ngā take tiaki kua roa e takoto ana i tēnei takiwā nui kei te tata ki ngā ratonga.
Kei waenganui pū te arawhata o te paina, e whiti ana i tētahi rama nui whakaharahara e tohu ana ki te āhua rangatira o mua o tēnei ataahua e memeha haere ana. Ko ngā rūma maha-tae e hopu ana i tētahi paleta tae karakara tae atu ki te kīhini kai-kai nui, papa tāera kikorangi kōpāpā me tētahi kīhini tuarua he tae rite tonu, e whakahoki ana i te āhua whakapaipai. E rima ngā rūma moenga, e toru ngā rūma horoi, kei roto i te whare he rūma noho tuwhera whāriki, kua oti te whakauru i tētahi papu wera hou, ā, ka pai ake ngā rūma moenga kei ngā papa e rua me ā rātou rūma horoi mēnā ka whakatikahia, ka whakahoutia. E toru ngā wāhi tūnga waka, ā, kei te papa whenua papatahi, taiapa hoki o muri he ipu tuku kaipuke me ētahi whare pūtea e rua, i te taha o ngā pātio rā e toru ngā taha o te whare.
Kei te hīkoi atu i ngā mākete o te Rātapu o Avondale, e tata ana ki ngā ara matua me ngā hononga waka tūmatanui, ā, he poto te taraiwa ki te pokapū hokohoko o Lynn Mall, he wāhi hoki tēnei mō te hunga tauira e haere ana ki Unitec. Kei te tata ngā pāka, ngā rāhui, me ngā papa tākaro, tae atu ki te Tony Segedin Esplanade Reserve e anga ana ki te ngutuawa o te Awa o Whau i te mutunga o te ara kāpui. E tatari ana tō haumi o te pūngao me te tirohanga, kei konei ngā āheinga maha hei whakarerekē i tēnei rawa katoa mō ngā hua, nō reira kaua e whakaroa, waea mai ki a mātou mō tētahi wātū ki te tiro i te whare.
91 Canal Road, Avondale, Auckland City, Auckland Steady Rental Returns / Big Family HomeSet well back from the road at the end of a lengthy shared driveway, this secluded FREEHOLD 509 sqm (approx.) property is ripe with potential for astute investor and family buyers who see the possibilities. The sprawling two storey 239 sqm (approx.) weatherboard home is tenanted now and returning $1150 per week with a current market rental appraisal available on request. The house has mellowed somewhat since constructed in the late 1990s and includes a range of maintenance issues would be a worthwhile effort in this pivotal neighbourhood close to amenities.
A centrally positioned pine timber stairwell is illuminated by a massive chandelier pointing to this fading beauty's glamorous past. Multicoloured rooms harness a colourful palette including the sizable, tile floor cobalt blue dine-in kitchen with second similarly hued scullery repeating the flamboyant aesthetic. The five-bedroom, three-bathroom home includes carpeted open plan lounge fitted with newer heat pump while bedrooms positioned on both levels and their bathrooms would respond well to repair and refurbishment. There are three carparks and the well-screened flat and fenced back lawns house a shipping container and two garden sheds, while sunny patios flank three sides of the dwelling.
Within walking distance of Avondale Sunday markets, close to motorways and public transport links and a short drive to Lynn Mall shopping centre, this cash cow opportunity is also in an easy commute for students attending Unitec. Parks, reserves, and sports grounds are nearby, as well as Tony Segedin Esplanade Reserve fronting the Whau River inlet at the end of the cul de sac. Awaiting your investment of energy and vision, the multiple possibilities are in place to transform this whole property for the gains so do not delay call us for an appointment to view.