Te Reo Māori


Whakarāpopototanga亚裔学生在奥克兰众多中学中的排名都是相对靠前的,这是因为他们有着刻苦努力和延迟享乐的倾向,他们比别的一般学生花更多的时间在学习上。而且亚洲文明的中华传统文化里蕴含的智力精髓,使我们的亚裔民族有着天生的 ...

援引奥克兰文法学校国际学生部主任 Fleix Ye的博客文章  在上周末88,受新西兰中文先驱报的邀请,参加了他们举办的首届新西兰杰出华裔学生论坛,4位杰出的华人中学生作了精彩的演讲,以及他们的父母于演讲结束后在台上也与台下超过750名观众做了互动。



4位优秀学子,分别来自3所中学:Auckland Grammar School, Macleans College以及ACG。据说在最后的一个星期,还有很多华人想买票,但却没能买得到。说句实话,我还真没有想到该活动能引起如此大的反响。作为一个教育工作者,这也是令人非常高兴的一件事。会后,我们三个参加论坛的学校负责国际部工作的以及中文先驱报的工作人员一起吃了个饭,并认为这种对社会有益的活动今后可以多举办。



(前排从右到左依次为:Macleans College校长Byron Bentley, ACG副总裁Clarence van der Wel, Auckland Grammar School校长John Morris。附带说明一下,第二排右一就是我了:)







Mr. John Morris,奥克兰文法学校的校长,在论坛上的演讲证明了这一点:


I am often asked how is it that so many of our top scholars at Grammar are of Chinese ethnicity and how is it that all our very top scholars (Asian and non-Asian) are able to juggle a hefty involvement in co-curricular activities alongside a strong commitment to their studies.




On the former point it is worth commenting that in the last two years 50% of the names on our Scholars Honours’ Board are Chinese.  This compares to a school roll of just 20%.






(图片说明:Auckland Grammar school Scholars Honours Board


How do our Chinese scholars in particular juggle so many things and why are they disproportionately successful in their studies?




In simple terms it is because they have a tendency for hard work and deferred gratification, they spend more time doing homework than other students and they seem to have an attitude, according to one of my Chinese teachers, that if they are not doing well the answer is simply to study later at night, and if they still don’t do well, to get up and study in the morning!  There seems to be a belief that anyone can do well in school with the right effort.




I also believe that Asian students are oriented towards their families, not just their friends.  Asian students tend to think of themselves as representing their families and see their task as doing well in school, not just for themselves, but for their families as a whole.  The concept of group pride is paramount.


(大致译文:我也相信有一点,就是亚裔学生往往被他们的家里人影响,而不仅仅只是他们的朋友。亚裔学生趋向于认为他们在学校的表现是代表着他们的家族, 而家里人也希望他们在学校能表现得很好,这不仅是为他们学生自己,而且是为了整个家族的荣誉。而这种集体主义的观念是他们成功的首要因素。)


There is also an undoubted strong belief in the intrinsic value of education amongst our Asian families which stems from the Mandarin tradition in which Asian cultures generally had an intellectual elite that rose to power through passing stringent tests.  This model of a meritocracy of the intellect has left its mark in the high value that Asian families place on a rigorous academic education.




The high amount of parental involvement and consequent high expectations are other factors in the academic success of Asian students.




On top of this academic thrust though, a large percentage of our Asian students have adopted the Kiwi ideal of participation and involvement.  Every year at our annual “Scholars’ Assembly” when I read out our scholars’ accomplishments, I am humbled by the range and depth of achievement and involvement.  It is a stunning testimony to the effort and interest of all our top scholars.”






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