Available for occupation, this site will suit large yard users requiring functionality and cheap warehouse storage. The property consists of 2,925sqm (more or less) of yard spreading from a 1,339sqm (approximately) industrial warehouse. The warehouse is medium stud with multiple roller doors providing superb access along with two gantry cranes. Office and amenities of 90.5sqm (approximately) are also supplied.
Key Features:
• Large 2,925sqm (more or less) yard
• Medium stud warehousing of 1,339sqm (approximately)
• Two – 2 tonne gantries
• Business - Heavy Industrial Zone
Wiri is located in a well-established industrial district and continues to grow in popularity. The strong Manukau labour force acts as a pull factor and is generating a range of businesses making the move into the district desirable. There is great access to motorway connections such as SH1 and SH20.
Karl Price
021 552 503
Greg Hall
021 023 21884