
后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰市区 -- Derek Wang

后花园推荐中介之 奥克兰市区 -- Derek Wang
요약Derek Wang来自中国浙江绍兴,现任利杰国际-新西兰环亚置业经理。   持有新西兰澳洲房地产咨询顾问执照,SAP信息系统咨询顾问全球认证,我毕业于奥克兰大学荣誉学士学位,主修运营与物流管理;本科学习期间,我完 ...



  Derek Wang来自中国浙江绍兴,现任LJ Hooker Metro City Branch


2011LJ Hooker Metro City BranchLJ Hooker


Derek Wang is from Shaoxing, China. I came to New Zealand as an
international student in 2007. I graduated from the University of Auckland with
BCom Honours degree, with specialization in Operations and Supply Chain
Management. During my undergraduate studies, I accomplished double majors in
Accounting and Operations and Supply Chain Management. I had worked in numerous
environments while studying towards my degrees. To name a few, I was a teaching
assistant at the University of Auckland, tutoring stage one and stage three
Information Systems papers. I also participated in many volunteer programs,
including Auckland World Cup Triathlon, iSPACE program and UniGuide program at
the University of Auckland, Volunteering Auckland, and New Zealand Fire
Service. Being fascinated by the Real Estate Industry, I joined LJ Hooker Metro
City Branch in 2011 and started my career as an Real Estate agent. Over the
years LJ Hooker has developed and expanded across Australasia. “I have had the
fortune of witnessing and being part of it. Our company has provided me with
the good opportunity to be exposed, and I feel privileged to have begun my
career in such a friendly environment with such a skillful and caring
team.”  In my spare time, I enjoy reading, writing, basketball,
football and running.

“Striving to be the best” is my motto and motivates me throughout my

If you are seeking a professional self-motivated real estate agent for
sales and purchase of your property, Derek is always there and willing to help


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