Seize the opportunity to build your dream home on this new section, subject to forthcoming title, offering an ideal setting for both convenience and lifestyle. The property comes equipped with town water supply, power to the boundary, and a fully established vehicle entrance, ensuring the services you need are there from day one. A generously sized, well-built shed is already in place, offering ample storage for your outdoor gear—whether it's bikes, tools, or recreational equipment—keeping everything organized and secure as you plan your next steps.
The building platform is created by generous 10m setback from boundaries, while the gentle contour of the land ensures easy construction. Enjoy a north-facing site that overlooks tranquil farmland, with distant views of the hills providing a serene backdrop.
Whether you are into adventures, sports or the many vibrant amenities available in Alexandra, the location of this property will please.
Note: Final boundaries and property sale subject to title