Superficie du terrain7739380m²
Numéro de titreWN21A/690;WN21A/693;WN21A/692;WN21A/691
Description légaleLOTS 1-3 DP 47219 LOT 5 DP 47220 LOTS 1-2 DP 48851 LOTS 3-4 DP 48852 BLK II CASTLEPOINT SD BLKS XIV XV OWAHANGA SD-ACCESS TO 17970 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 1/8
Conseil municipalMasterton
Description de la propriétéFSIM,1/1,LOT 2 DEPOSITED PLAN 48851, LOT 3 DEPOSITED PLAN 47219, LOT 4 DEPOSITED PLAN 48852 AND LOT 5 DEPOSITED PLAN 47220
Spécifications de constructionExternal Walls: Unknown
Roof: Unknown
État de la constructionExternal Walls: Unknown
Roof: Unknown