位于奥克兰Papatoetoe的5 Fraser Road,这块占地862平方米的独立产权住宅用地,对于开发商和投资者来说,拥有巨大的潜力。建于1955年,外墙采用砖结构,屋顶铺设瓷砖,房屋内外状况良好,地势平坦,增加了开发的吸引力。该物业包括2个停车位和126平方米的建筑面积,其政府估价(CV)自2017年的93万纽币增长了53.23%,至2021年6月的142.5万纽币。后花园估价为140.25万纽币,最近一次售出记录在1999年,价格为23.5万纽币。在教育方面,该物业位于Papatoetoe Intermediate和Papatoetoe High School的校区内,分别具有2和3的评分,为家庭提供优质的教育资源。这块物业不仅仅是一块土地,它是一个待抓住的机会,具有翻新或开发的潜力,需待议会批准。在这样一个理想的校区中心,靠近一切便利设施和主要交通路线,千万不要错过这个黄金机会。
Nestled on a prime 862 sqm freehold section at 5 Fraser Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland, this residential property holds immense potential for developers and investors. Constructed in 1955 with brick walls and tiled roofing, the house boasts an average condition both inside and out, with a level contour that adds to its development appeal. The property, which includes 2 car parks and a floor area of 126 sqm, has seen a CV increase of 53.23% from $930,000 in 2017 to $1,425,000 as of June 2021. The HouGarden AVM estimates the property's value at $1,402,500, while the latest sale was recorded in 1999 for $235,000. In terms of education, the property falls within the zones of Papatoetoe Intermediate and Papatoetoe High School, both with decile ratings of 2 and 3 respectively, ensuring quality education for the family. This property is not just a piece of land; it's an opportunity waiting to be seized, with the possibility of renovation or development, subject to council approval. Don't miss out on this golden chance in the heart of a desirable school zone, with easy access to amenities and main transportation routes.
datos del gobierno
fecha de actualización de datos: 2025 año 02 mes 26 día
valor del edificio$25,000descenso del -75% desde 2017 año
valor del terreno$1,400,000aumento del 68% desde 2017 año
valor catastral del gobierno(2021 año 06 mes)$1,425,000aumento del 53% desde 2017 año
VistaNo appreciable view
Área del Terreno862m²
Área del Piso126m²
Año de Construcción1955
Número de TítuloNA1135/240
Tipo de TítuloFreehold
Descripción LegalLOT 2 DP 42261
ConsejoAuckland - Manukau
Descripción de TítuloFSIM,1/1,LOT 2 DEPOSITED PLAN 42261,862m2
Impuesto Territorial$3,630.36 2023/2024
Estado del EdificioExternal Walls: Average Roof: Average
Planificación UrbanaResidential - Mixed Housing Suburban Zone