2000年李奇来到新西兰, 并于8年前加入了地产中介行业, 目前就职于奥克兰最大的地产公司BARFOOT & Thompson的EPSOM分行. 丰富的专业知识, 娴熟的语言技巧, 率真诚实的个人特质, 这一切令她在房产界业绩杰出, 多次得到各个客户的好评, 并建立了广泛的客户网络! 无论是公寓还是农场,百年老屋, 还是新建住房,李奇对各个年代的房屋及其设施的精深详尽的了解,可为交易提供决断性依据和可靠分析。李
在进入房产行业之前, 已获得新西兰本地会计和市场学双学历的她, 与先生经营一家投资顾问公司. 随着两个孩子的出生以及对地产界越来越浓厚的兴趣及热忱, 李奇加入了地产中介这个充满挑战的行列.
投资顾问工作经历和对两个孩子的无限热爱使李奇懂得如何做一个好的倾听者, 从而轻而易举地抓住客户的需求;多年积累的地产知识和交易经验以及对地产市场的精确分析,可让客户充分了解交易的各个环节及需要注意到的事项,并帮助客户解决遇到的各种问题,保证客户在轻松无压力的氛围完成房屋交易.
Qi has been in the real estate industry for seven years. Since joining, she has developed a strong network of clients who provide her with repeat and referral business. She is a strong communicator and enjoys getting out in the community and meeting new people through her job.
Prior to real estate, Qi worked in the customer service industry. She learnt the importance of offering each client the best service available to ensure they have a positive experience. She is an avid listener and can determine and act on the needs of her vendors. With patience, understanding, sincerity and good interpersonal skills, Qi effectively walks her clients through the buying/selling process to help them achieve the best results.
The biggest compliment you could give Qi is your thanks. She aims to please her clients and works tirelessly to make sure they are happy with the final outcome. Her personal philosophy is to always be transparent, make the clients’ goal her own and to enjoy the process along the way. Fluent in both English and Mandarin means that she can help, should you require specialist language skills.
Speak to Qi for professional and knowledgeable advice about buying/selling in the central Auckland area. She will be more than happy to help you with all your real estate needs.