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Tokarahi Downs, Tokarahi-Duntroon Rd, Tokarahi, Waitaki, Otago, 0 Bedrooms, 0 Bathrooms, Grazing

By Negotiation

Tokarahi Downs, Tokarahi-Duntroon Rd, Tokarahi, Waitaki, Otago

GrazingListed on Thu Jan 11
$2,971/Monthly repayments
Based on estimate value
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Five Forks and Surrounds Tokarahi Downs

Property is 208.9861ha (6 titles) located at Tokarahi 38km west of Oamaru. Property has been extensively developed with an all weather central lane system that links farm paddocks to the working hub of property where the cattle yards and 3 stand shearing shed/covered yards are located. Property is divided into 31 paddocks with a good standard of sheep and cattle subdivision fencing. An upgraded stock water system which supplies 3.5 units from the Tokarahi Scheme into 8 storage tanks (25,000 litres each) at 3 different tank sites located on the property. Water is gravity reticulated to all paddock troughs from the tank sites. The tank sites can also be backed up by water pumped from the Awamoko Stream. Property also has a quality gravel quarry.

Currently run as a dairy support property for larger dairy farms with the production of dry matter for cut and carry, grazing of young dairy stock and the growing of green feed crops (kale, fodder beet, oats and maize) for the wintering of dairy cows.

Excellent opportunity to secure this dairy support property.


Estimate update: 2024 06Data Disclaimer
Due to limited data samples, we are unable to provide estimating information for this property

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Unitary plan:-
State houses
Flood zone


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Ref:OAM38997Last update:2024-01-11 11:16:09