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201 Glendale Heights, Kerikeri, Northland, 0 Bedrooms, 0 Bathrooms, Lifestyle Section


201 Glendale Heights, Kerikeri, Northland

$3,559/Monthly repayments
Based on estimate value

This 12.14 ha property off Pungaere Road is not much more than a fifteen-minute drive from Kerikeri and even less to the commercial hub at Waipapa. An access road has been constructed to a potential house site where you can maximise on the sun and views.

With the addition of some wetland, the mature native bush, the rocky bottomed stream, good soil and the abundance of wildlife, this property has the potential to be a botanical delight.

While sad to be leaving their slice of paradise, the owners are motivated to sell. They have found another property with an existing dwelling that better suits their needs in the meantime.

Call us for an appointment to view or contact us for further information.

Estimate update: 2024 06Data Disclaimer
Due to limited data samples, we are unable to provide estimating information for this property

For developers

Unitary plan:-
State houses
Flood zone


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Last update:2023-03-31 15:43:45