Upper Kawhatau Road, Rangitikei Surrounds, Hawkes Bay
Upper Kawhatau Road, Rangitikei Surrounds, Hawkes Bay
Council Data
Land area78634293m²
Type of titleFreehold
Legal descriptionLOTS 1-3 DP 52144 LOTS 1-5 DP 56761 PT LOT 1 DP 19106 AWARUA 1A3 NTH 1A3 STH1A3A 1A1 PT 1B PT LOT 2 OF SEC 3 BLK VI VII X XI XII XIV XV RUAHINE SD - BAL AT 13810/02600 & 13810/02700
CouncilHawkes Bay
Estate descriptionFSIM,1/1,LOT 1 DEPOSITED PLAN 56761,3634m2
ConstructionExternal Walls: Unknown Roof: Unknown
ConditionExternal Walls: Unknown Roof: Unknown
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Neighborhood and Surrounding Data
neighborhood is a sub-region located within Bellimbopinni city