Legal descriptionSECS 16-18 PT 15 BLK XIV SECS 3 15 BLK XV MANIOTOTO SD SECS 7-11 21-22 BLK IV UPPER TAIERI SD LOT 2 DP 313479 SECS 35 62 67 69 71 75-76 79-80 85-87 89 BLK I ROCK & PILLAR SD
Estate descriptionFSIM,1/1,LOT 2 DEPOSITED PLAN 313479 AND SECTION 35 BLOCK I AND SECTION 62, 67, 69, 71, 75-76, 79-80, 85-87, 89 BLOCK I ROCK & PILLAR SURVEY DISTRICT
ConstructionExternal Walls: Unknown Roof: Unknown
ConditionExternal Walls: Unknown Roof: Unknown
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Neighborhood and Surrounding Data
neighborhood is a sub-region located within Moleville Creek city