
【后花园学英语 】| “如果总理撒谎,就应该下台!” Simon Bridges评工党性丑闻

头条Author: Sunny,Jiarong
【后花园学英语 】| “如果总理撒谎,就应该下台!” Simon Bridges评工党性丑闻



Ms Ardern has maintained that she was not aware of an allegation of a sexual nature until an article was published
last week.


National Party leader Simon Bridges said he would expect
Jacinda Ardern to step down as Prime Minister if she had any prior knowledge of
a sexual assault allegation against a Labour Party staffer before last

国家党党魁Simon Bridges表示,如果总理Jacinda Ardern在上周之前已经知情工党职员性侵事件,她就应当下台。



"I think she knew. I think the evidence backs all of
that up.


The Prime Minister this week said she was addressing mistakes over the Labour Party staffer investigation -
initiating a separate inquiry in addition to a QC report to look solely into
whether the party acted appropriately.


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"Mistakes have been made, it is now my job to address
that - yes, for the Labour Party, but also to take the lessons that have been
learned and ask what we can do to assist other workplaces, training institutions, organisations
and others to do the same."


"There are no excuses for the handling of the complaints by the Labour Party and I will offer none," Ms Ardern said today. "To do so risks minimising the seriousness of the allegations that have been made.




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