New Zealand
Keith Aldous

Keith Aldous

021262 ...
For sale


Keith’s love of property started when his early career in hotel management involved renovating and upgrading a number of hotels in his home country of Scotland. Wanting a change in life he immigrated to NZ in 1999 with his now kiwi wife. He is now firmly settled in Auckland and has three young children.

He started working with Placemakers in Auckland and got a grass roots understanding of the building industry and the various products available, how to use them and how not to. This lead him into taking the entrepreneurial plunge into owning a building franchise. Unfortunately he had some unscrupulous business partners which lead to his business failing. Whilst an incredibly difficult time that hit him in the pocket, he learnt an enormous amount. It also ignited a deep personal quest to ensure others do not have the same experiences. He is committed to ensuring that people only get involved in projects that they are comfortable with and fully understand.

More recently he has been working to further develop his subdivision, planning and property design skills which has lead him to work with iFindProperty’s sister company Property Ladder which specialises in new properties.

Keith has an extensive background in the property and building industry working with developers, builders and investors. He says “It’s an art to find the right balance between good build quality, a high yield and good capital growth potential. I am excited about working with people to find these investment opportunities that help build their retirement nest eggs.”