New Zealand
Far North Real Estate (2010) Raine & Horne Kaitaia
Katrina Ponsonby

Katrina Ponsonby

Property Management Representative英语Far North Real Estate (2010) Raine & Horne Kaitaia
09 408 ...
For sale


Katrina commenced her employment at L J Hooker in October 2010.

Born and bred in the Far North of New Zealand, Katrina uses her local knowledge and background in early childcare to easily communicate with people from all walks of life.

Katrina has adapted well to her role with LJ Hooker and enjoys the challenges that Property Investment Management brings to her busy life.

Katrina is customer service focused and has a great understanding of the Residential Tenancies Act (1986). Having excellent presentation and negotiation skills she continues to up skill with the LJ Hooker Property Investment Management courses and the works within the guidelines of the Real Estate Agents Authority